Marriage is a beautiful thing, but marriages tends to be difficult for the first 5 years and this is caused by few factors which includes clinging to someone from an entirely different background from the one you were raised from, having children and getting to cope with a new lifestyle which involves taking care of kids, shouldering responsibilities, because as the home expands, the responsibilities are bound to increase....CONTINUE READING

In this article, we would be discussing nine ways to keep your marriage healthy

1. Communication

In marriage, it is very important to communicate with one another, if a spouse should offend the other, feel free to talk about it, let him or her know they have wronged you, discuss your likes and your dislikes occasionally, and with time you both will get use to what your significant other likes. Be opened with your spouse financially, so they don’t expect too much from you.

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2. Intimacy

Marriage is full with lots of responsibilities, and as a result, a couple can get tired out and don’t even get the urge to be intimate. As couples, it is important to create time for intimacy, in other to keep the fire burning, and ward off unwanted third parties in the relationship.

3. Sharing of responsibilities

It is important to share roles in the home, both spouse can choose to work and provide for the home, that way, one doesn’t see the other as a liability. Both spouse can also share the house chores, that way the work load won’t be too heavy on them.

4. Compliment each other

Everyone loves to be around someone who makes them feel on top of the world, well, marriage could get you occupied in such a way that all the young vibes would be drained off you, but complimenting one another is a sure way to rekindle the youthful feelings of love in us.

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5. Get involved in each others activities

If your spouse feeds the home from a certain type of job and the job requires help of which you could be of assistance, please get involved, that way you would be of more importance before your spouse.

6. Dress up for each other

Remember when you were dating, you would wear your best dress and spray your best cologne just to look attractive for him or her? Please don’t stop doing that in marriage, that was part of the things that kept him/her attracted to you. Keep looking good in marriage, and keep your spouse attracted to you.

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7. Be a good listener

Pay attention to the needs of your spouse, also let him/her know they can rely on you when their heart is burdened, that way there would be little or no room for secrecy in your home.

8. Go on family trips together

Treat your family to a vacation once in a while, a trip that would take their minds off the daily activities they have to cope with. It would help refresh their memories once in a while.

9. Put your family first

Prove to your family how important they are to you in your own way, spend time with them, get them something they ask for, play with them, just prove to them they are important and in return, they would never take you for granted.

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