(ewe ejirin in Yoruba)


Did you know that bitter gourd is not really a vegetable but a fruit? Amongst fruits, it is the most bitter .The part of the plant that is used for consumption and for various medicinal purposes is the fruit and leaves of the bitter squash.

While we’ve been so busy condemning its bitter taste, we’ve not only overlooked this fact but also the wide range of benefits that drinking bitter gourd juice offers.

Bitter gourd leaf (ewe ejirin in Yoruba) has diverse healing properties and its blood sugar lowering action has been clinically validated. Also, used as liver tonic, anti tumor, anti cancer, immune system stimulant, antioxidant, antibacterial and cholesterol reducer.


Bitter gourd juice contains a train of important nutrients ranging from iron, magnesium and vitamin to potassium and vitamin C. An excellent source of dietary fiber, it also contains twice the calcium of spinach, beta-carotene of broccoli, and the potassium of a banana.

It also has good antioxidants,folate, Vitamin A, B-complex, flavonoids and zinc.


Controls High Blood Sugar:

Bitter Gourd is known to control high blood sugar and moderate insulin resistance, thereby preventing diabetes. Regular consumption of this tea has even reduced abnormally high sugar levels in type II diabetics. The vegetable contains a plant insulin named polypeptide-P, which lowers blood sugar.

It also contains a component named charantin that enhances glucose uptake. It’s leave used as tea and juice for this reason, is an alternative treatment for diabetes. It’s juice also acts as a blood purifier.

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Nevertheless, people with hypoglycemia or low blood sugar are warned against taking this herbal supplement. Any decisions to change medical treatment should always involve your doctor. Besides, though it does control blood sugar levels, butter gourd leaves or tea is not a stand-alone treatment choice for diabetes.

Lowers bad cholesterol levels

“Bitter gourd juice is anti-inflammatory and

also helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the body. Thereby, it significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.” It also maintains the blood pressure of the body as it is rich in potassium, which absorbs excessive sodium in the body. It is rich in iron and folic acid which are known to decrease the risk of stroke and keep your heart healthy.

For glowing skin and lustrous hair

Longing for that flawless skin that bitter gourd juice has powerful anti-oxidants along with vitamin A and C which prevent premature skin ageing and diminishes wrinkles. Furthermore, it reduces acne, aids in treating eczema and psoriasis, as well as protects the skin from the harmful UV rays.

The nutrients vitamin A, vitamin C, Biotin and Zinc impart shine and lustre to your locks. ?

Applying bitter gourd juice regularly to your scalp can decrease hair loss and greying of hair, treat split-ends and rough hair, shrug off dandruff, and combat itchiness.

You can apply bitter gourd juice directly to stop hair fall or mix it with some curd and massage on your scalp and hair for conditioning.

To treat dandruff, you can make a hair mask with bitter gourd juice, cumin seed paste and a tablespoon of lime juice. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

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Helps in weight loss

Bitter gourd is low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. It keeps you full for longer and hence, it can easily fit in your weight loss plan. In a 2010 issue of a report published in the Journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it was disclosed that extracts of bitter gourd helped in the dislocation of human fat cells and also hindered the formation and growth of new fat cells. It was further concluded that bitter gourd can be viewed as a natural agent for treating obesity.

Prevents Obesity:

The herbal supplement prevents the storage of fat cells in the body. Bitter gourd leaves tea accomplishes this by breaking down triglycerides and fatty acids so that they are metabolized rather than stored. This efficiently prevents obesity, and as a bonus also reduces high blood pressure.

Slows Aging:

The tea has vitamin C, which acts a natural boost to your skin. The vitamin helps vitalize the tissues by flushing out toxins and building new cells. Since vitamin C aids in wound healing, gohyahtea can correct imperfections. The vitamin is also an antioxidant, flushing out free radicals that damage your body and make you age faster.

Fights Cancer:

Bitter Gourd is extremely beneficial to protect yourself against the known and unknown health risks. Its store of phytonutrients sweep through the body, neutralizing harmful oxidative damage to individual cells. Potential cancer-causing cells are rendered normal with these powerful antioxidants.

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Treats Infections:

Bitter gourd is lauded across the globe for its medicinal properties. Similarly, bitter gourd tea can also treat minor infections owing to its antimicrobial qualities. Heal fever, cough and infected wounds naturally with this herbal alternative.

Eye problems.

Amplaya juice is also used to treat eye related problems that include sty and sore eyes. It is thought to improve eyesight and prevents the development of cataract.

Respiratory ailments.

The juice from fruit and leaves are used to treat various respiratory problems that may include, asthma, wheezing cough, bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Stomach problems.

Bitter gourd leaf extract is a folkloric remedy for various stomach ache and problems that include indigestion, dyspepsia, parasite infestation, diarrhea and constipation.

Boosts the immune system.

Bitter gourd is also used to boost the immune system and as a supplement to build body resistance during sickness.

HIV virus.

Bitter gourd is also being considered as treatment of viral diseases that include HIV, malaria, chicken fox and measles.


Bitter gourd tea is taken as a remedy for pain and discomfort associated to menopause.

Anti-inflammatory activity.

Its leaf extract combined with coconut oil is used to alleviate inflammation and pain associated to gout, arthritis, rheumatism and other body pains.

Cholesterol control.

Bitter gourd leaves is also widely consumed to lower the cholesterol level in the blood that helps to prevent the build up of plaque along the arterial walls.


Ampalaya is used as astringent to treat hemorrhoids.


It has been used in folkloric medicine as an abortificient and as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy.

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