Madaraka Day celebrations are held annually on June 1, a national holiday commemorating the day Kenya achieved independent internal self-governance from the British colonists.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

It is one of the three national holidays created under Article 8 of the 2010 Constitution. Kenyans have a unique way of celebrating Madaraka Day. They gather in thousands at a venue selected for the event.

During the proceedings, there is so much fun as singers and dancers entertain the crowd. Luhya dancers at Masinde Muliro Stadium gave their best performance during the 2024 celebration, leaving Ruto to join them.

The president was on his feet as other Luhya dancers, Michah Wanyenche, Sammy Mang’ara, David Barasa, Janerose Khaemba and Opeta Musungu, shook their shoulders in unison. Trans Nzoia Governor George  Natembeya attended this year’s celebrations despite initially claiming he was not invited.

The county chief was among a host of county bosses from the Western Kenya Region who graced the annual event.

Natembeya’s attendance was notable as he had alleged that some individuals at the event did not want him there due to his outspoken nature.

The event saw participation from several Western Kenya region governors, including Wilber Khasilwa Ottichilo (Vihiga), Paul Otuoma (Busia), and Fernandes Barasa (Kakamega). Other governors in attendance included Wisley Rotich (Elgeyo Marakwet), Jonathan Bii (Uasin Gishu), Irungu Kang’ata (Murang’a), and Simba Arati (Kisii).

Kenya’s colonial history can be traced back to 1885 when the Germans invaded the coast that had previously been occupied by the Sultan of Zanzibar.

Five years later, in 1890, Great Britain took over the German Territory and established the East African Protectorate in 1895.

The British settlers began arriving in the country in huge numbers and occupied the best and most fertile agricultural districts that belonged to the natives. Only a few of the settlers moved to the northern parts of Kenya because it was very dry.

Kenya became an official colony of Britain in 1920. Land disputes were prevalent, and this resulted in the Mau Mau rebellion, which put the country in a state of emergency from 1952 to 1959.

The end of apartheid in 1944 paved the way for a few local African officials to be appointed to the government. However, the first elections were not held in the country until 1957…..CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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