Nigeria’s heat season is here, and everyone is feeling it! But with rising fuel prices and unpredictable electricity, staying cool can be a real challenge. Don’t worry, got your back!...CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Here are some tips to help you beat the heat and stay comfortable even when the temperature’s soaring:

1. Stay hydrated

It’s heat season, so it’s no surprise you’re feeling the heat. When the temperature rises, our bodies work harder to stay cool, which means we lose fluids faster through sweating. That’s why staying hydrated is even more important during hot weather.

Think of your body like a car: if it doesn’t have enough water, it starts to chug along and isn’t as efficient. To keep your engine running smoothly, aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day. A good rule of thumb is to carry a reusable water bottle and sip on it regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty. You can even add some cucumber slices or fruit for a refreshing twist!

If carrying a water bottle isn’t a hassle, taking it with you to work or school can be a great way to keep track of your water intake. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly choice. Staying hydrated is key to feeling your best, so listen to your body and give it the water it needs, especially when the sun is blazing.

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2. Avoid black clothing

When the sun’s out and the temperature’s climbing, ditch the dark clothes. Imagine you’re holding a black frying pan and a silver one under the same hot sun. Which one gets hotter? Yep, the black one absorbs all that heat, just like black clothes do. And guess what? That heat gets trapped next to your skin, making you feel even hotter and sweatier.

Instead, opt for lighter colours like white, grey, or light blue. These shades reflect the sun’s heat, keeping you cooler and more comfortable throughout the day. It’s a simple switch that can make a big difference in how you feel when the temperature’s rising.

3. Wear loose clothing

When the heat’s on, your clothes become your allies (or enemies).

Here’s how to dress like a heat-beating pro:

Go loose and breezy: Ditch the skinny jeans and tight shirts. Opt for loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen. They allow air to circulate freely around your body, keeping you cool and comfy.

Think ventilation: Skip clothes with lots of layers or thick materials. Look for garments with mesh panels or designs that promote airflow. Imagine your clothes as windows—the more open they are, the better the breeze!

Feet first: Give your feet some breathing room! Avoid sweaty sneakers or closed-toe shoes. Opt for sandals, open-toed shoes, or breathable fabrics like canvas. Happy feet, happy you!

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Comfort is key: Ultimately, it’s all about feeling good. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Whether it’s a flowy maxi dress, a breezy linen shirt, or comfy shorts, prioritise garments that keep you cool and allow your body to breathe.

4. Wear antiperspirant sprays

Sometimes, the heat season can be brutal, and nobody wants to add body odour to the mix. Sweating is natural, especially when it’s hot, but keeping yourself feeling fresh and preventing unpleasant smells is important for everyone. This is even more important during hot weather, as we lose body fluids faster and sweat more readily.

Here’s the thing: antiperspirant sprays or roll-ons aren’t just for special occasions; they’re everyday heroes in the fight against odour. These products help control sweat production, so you feel drier and more comfortable. Plus, they help prevent embarrassing odours, which is a win-win for everyone around you.

The hot weather is already a challenge; let’s not add unnecessary discomfort to others. Using antiperspirant is a simple way to be considerate and ensure you’re not leaving smelly surprises on clothes or making people hold their breath when you pass by.

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So, whether you’re a heavy sweater or just want to feel extra fresh, consider making antiperspirant your summer sidekick. Feeling good and smelling good go hand in hand, especially when the heat is on.

5. Buy rechargeable hand fans

Feeling the heat? Beat the heat season with a handy electric fan. These little wonders are lightweight and portable, perfect for taking anywhere you go. Plus, they’re powered by electricity, so you don’t need to break a sweat trying to fan yourself all day.

And, even if the power goes out, no worries! Just plug your fan into a power bank and keep cool regardless. So ditch the paper fans and upgrade your comfort with an electric fan this season—your sweaty self will thank you!

6. Take cold showers

Taking a cold shower after a long day at work can help you relax. It cleanses you of the perspiration and filth gathered over the day’s work.

Cold showers should be taken at night. Even with the windows open, it can be difficult to fall asleep at night. To get a good night’s sleep, take a shower right before bed; this will offer your body the cooling effects it needs.

As we make our way through this hot weather, these recommendations will help us make the most of our time and stay productive…CONTINUE READING>>

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