Anger that seems to be out of control can be troubling and irritating. Anger that is not handled has the ability to harm relationships, harm your health and wellness, and lead to bad decision making....CONTINUE READING

The good news is that with conscious effort and practice, you can learn strategies to better manage angry feelings. In this article, you will learn nine tips for handling anger in a constructive way.

1. Learning to Recognize Your Anger Triggers

We all get angry from time to time. The key is recognizing what triggers your anger, so you can respond in a healthy way. Pay attention to situation and people that cause your anger to spike. Once you know your triggers you can prepare to handle them better.

2. Take a time out

Before responding, remove yourself from the situation until you cool down. If possible take a walk or step away to gain a more balanced perspective. Responding when you are heated will likely escalate the conflict. Wait until you have cooled off to have a constructive conversation.

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3. Breathe Slowly and deeply

Taking deep breathe is one of the most effective ways to calm yourself when you feel anger rising. Taking some deep calming breathes can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure, releasing tension.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Do this for at least 2-3 minutes until you start to feel relax.
Some other tips for anger management through breathing:

Count to 10 slowly while breathing in and out. This can help you avoid reacting impulsively. Take a short walk while breathing consciously. The light exercise releases pent up energy and the fresh air helps clear your mind.

4. Think Before You Respond.

This is one of the hardest thing to do when you’re angry. Your anger can quickly get the best of you, causing you to say things you will regret.

5. Communicate Your Feelings Calmly And Clearly

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When you feel angry, it’s easy to react without thinking. But communicating in a reactive way often make the situation worse. instead Share your emotions in a calm and clear manner. Say you’re “disappointed” or “concerned” rather than calling names or questioning someone’s character or intelligence.

6. Focus On Current And Ongoing Issues, Not The Past

Don’t bring in unrelated points into the discussion. Address the current topic, then come back to the other issue once you have both cooled off. Discussing too many grievances at once often leads to an unproductive back-and forth that intensifies anger and resentment. Stay on the topic.

7. Listen With Open Mind

listen to understand the other person’s perspective not just to reply. Ask clarification questions and paraphrase what they said to be sure you have understood them correctly before responding. Make eye contact and give them your full attention.

8. Make Requests, Not Demands

Politely ask for what you need while still leaving room for discussion and compromise. Say “Would you be willing to …..?” rather than “You have to …. right now.” A request is more likely to get a positive response and lead to a productive solution.

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9. Talk To A Counselor

Speaking with a counselor or therapist who specializes in anger management is one of the best ways to get your anger under control in a healthy way. A counselor can help you identify triggers, learn relaxation and communication techniques, and develop strategies for coping with anger-inducing situations. Therapy gives you a chance to speak openly about your struggles and get advise tailored to your need.

Finally, While anger is a natural human emotion, how you choose to express it is within your control. With regular practice of coping strategies, your angry outbursts will decrease in frequency and intensity. Make a commitment to yourself to work on anger management every day. Stay determined and patient with yourself. Over time, you will get better at managing anger in a constructive way.

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