The anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests have come at a precious cost to some people, especially a police officer. Inspector David Maina is among the victims of the protest held in Nairobi on Tuesday, June 18. The cop, who was patrolling the busy streets at CBD, unfortunately, lost his hands due to a tear gas explosion.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking to Citizen TV, Maina heartbreakingly opened up about the challenges he would experience following the painful events. The Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Alfred Mutua, visited the injured Maina at Nairobi West Hospital.

The politician vehemently condemned the act against police officers, saying there was no single demonstrator in the hospital.

His remarks did not please social media users, who flocked to the comment section to share their views. Separately, a video showed a man walking towards police officers while others kept their distance.

The man was observed carrying a shopping bag containing a bottle of soda and several party cups as he approached a police van. The courageous man gave the bottle of soda to one policeman and distributed the cups to the other officers.

Onlookers observed him with apparent surprise, but he appeared unfazed as he continued serving the officers..CONTINUE READING>>

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