DP Gachagua Collides With Protesting Kirinyaga Residents And Calms Them

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was on Saturday forced to temporarily halt his trip to Embu at Gituto along the Embu- Meru Highway to calm down residents demonstrating after a PP1 pupil from the region lost their life to a road accident on Friday....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

The deputy president curious to understand what was going on, stopped his motorcade with traffic along the stretch having come to a standstill. The deputy president engaged the residents of Gituto- Difathas in Kirinyaga County and it was at this juncture that he learned they were picketing for justice to be served.

Gachagua subsequently took his time to calm down the residents, delaying his trip to Embu where he was expected to hold rallies and engage in a series of activities.

The DP while addressing the residents called on motorists and road users to exercise maximum while on the roads.

“I urge our road users to exercise maximum care while on our highways. Every human life is sacred.”

Gachagua joined the residents in mourning the death of the pupil identified as Elius Linus Mugendi. The second in command also sent his condolences to the family.

“I pass my sympathies to the parents of Elius Linus Mugendi, a PP1 Pupil at Difathas Primary School, Kirinyaga County, who passed on after being knocked by a speeding motorist yesterday.” wrote Gachagua.

The Deputy President was on his way to Moi Stadium, Embu where he joined Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire, Manyatta MP Gitonga Mukunji, and a host of other leaders for a series of activities including visiting differently-abled children at the Jomo Kenyatta Center for Children with Physical Disabilities.

The Deputy President also addressed a series of roadside rallies where he and his close allies continued with their recent script of attacking President William Ruto.

Earlier in Kirinyaga, Gachagua warned President William Ruto against instigating his ouster. The Deputy President accused Ruto of inciting parliamentarians to impeach him against the will of the people.

A section of Members of Parliament led by Kimilili Member of Parliament Didmus Barasa, an ally of President William Ruto has alleged that the motion to impeach the DP has gained the support of more than 200 MPs.

Responding to the allegations by the MPs, Gachagua remained defiant, revealing that he will not be intimidated by mere threats.

“I will not be intimidated. They are calling for my resignation, I will not allow it, I was given the job by the Kenyan people,” Gachagua said while in Mwea, Kirinyaga on Saturday…CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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