Benefits of both Guava AKA Mapera (Kiswahili) fruits and Guava Leaves covered below. If you are big fun of fruits like Guava or you generally like eating fruits ( which is a good thing actually), sit back and enjoy the ride… Learn about benefits of Guavas.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Guava fruit benefits you will most definitely wish you knew about earlier.

You might, have been eating Guava for the longest, but have you ever ask yourself, what benefits it has on your skin, and your body in general? What makes it sweet? What values it adds to you when you consume it?

Have you? If not. Continue reading…

Eating the Guava fruit has several health and Beauty benefits you most probably didn’t know about.

Did you know that Guava Leaves (fresh) are considered a natural pain reliever?. That’s right. This is because Guava contains antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

These three properties make Guava Leaves a natural pain reliever. Also chemicals found in Guava Leaves like carotenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids & tannins are effective in certain health conditions that might be harmful to one’s health.

Now let’s check out benefits of Guava.
With no order of effectiveness. Here are the amazing benefits of eating Guava.

1: Increases Sperm Production

This one, is for all the guys out there.
If you are reading this article and you are a woman/lady, you can choose to skip this part and move to the next benefit, or you can read along and learn how Guava fruit/leaf can be helpful to a guy you know.

But, if you happen to be a guy. Let’s get serious folks. Guava fruit/leaf should not be ignored.

Eating Guava has been proven to be effective in increasing sperm production. For men, increasing of sperm will definitely help in conception, big time.

So folks, the next time you think of ignoring Guava, always remember this: it increases sperm production.
Plus all these will be done naturally, no artificial ways or products. Safe and healthy.

If you know someone that this information might be helpful to, share this article with them. Help A Bro Out

2: Lowers Cholesterol Level

Guava has also been proved to have the ability to lower cholesterol levels. This is according to a research. Which states that if you drink guava leaf tea for about four months, it can lead to reduction of bad cholesterol & triglycerides.

The amazing thing is that, this is all done (naturally) without any negative effect to the good cholesterol. Now that’s amazing.

3: It Boosts Weight Loss

Works best when you are trying to maintain your body weight. Guava also helps in boosting weight loss effectively.

You are probably asking yourself, how does Guava boost weight loss?. Right?

This is how it all goes down. Well, eating Guava fruits or leaves will prevent the complex starches from being converted into sugar, and by doing that, this will prevent you from gaining weight.

4: It’s Healthy for Your Hair

Guava Leaves have good nutrients perfect for your hair.

Now this one is for the ladies.
Girls did you know that Guava Leaves are very rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which helps in promoting a healthy hair growth?. Well now you know.
It will also make your hair softer and grow way faster than usual.

5: Good for Diabetic People

Yes. You read that correctly. Guava is good for diabetic people.
Research shows that Guava lowers blood glucose in diabetics by decreasing the alpha-glucosidease enzyme activity.

Drinking guava leaf tea for four months will lower the blood sugar levels, this is done without raising insulin production. Guava is definitely good for diabetics BUT it should NOT be used as a cure or in any form treated as a medical treatment supplement.

Need clarifications? Learn more on

6: Eases Stomach Pain

Drinking Guava leaf tea can ease stomach. To ease stomach pain using Guava Leaves, boil around 7 pieces of guava leaves in 1 liter of water, wait to cool down for a few minutes, and drink two or three times a day. (remember, warming it up every time you want to drink it is good adviced)

Apart from that, Guava also aids in digestion. Drinking Guava leaf tea helps in digestion, and this is done by stimulating the production of digestive enzyme. Antibacterial agents kill bacteria in the lining of the gut and stop proliferation of toxic enzymes by the bacteria.

As a matter of fact, incase of any food poisoning, Guava leaves are very useful for soothing, vomiting & nausea. Keep that in mind.

7: Helps Treat Skin Problems

Acne problems? Guava can help you get rid of them.

Guava Leaves are able to clear black spots on your skin and kill acne on your face.

With the antiseptic that is found in Guava Leaves, It can effectively remove acne and black spots from your skin completely (but slowly). The antiseptic is able to kill bacteria that causes acne on the skin.

To see more fast results, instead of drinking Guava leaf tea, simply smash (or grind) Guava Leaves and apply it on your face, exactly where you have acne and dark spots, do it frequently. The longer it stays on your skin the better. Do this for several days….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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