10 Shocking Real-life Stories Of Children Who Grew Up With Animals

As children, we were awestruck by the tales of Tarzan and Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book, which depicted the wonderful prospect of adopting animals into a home. You won’t be quite as enthralled by the true stories on the same theme, though. The following is a list of feral children who were found to be living with animals, myself included:...CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE

1. Vanya Yudin

When Vanya Yudin was seven years old, he was saved from the horrific childhood his mother had in Russia. Vanya was discovered to be being cared for and raised like the birds in his mother’s aviary, despite the lack of any indications of physical abuse. Vanya could only make two sounds when saved in 2008: “chirping” and “flapping his arms.”

2. Traian Caldarar

Traian, then 7 years old, was found in Transylvania’s woods in 2002, his dog’s body half-eaten. It was believed that the toddler, who was severely underweight and afflicted with rickets, had been living off of the dog’s carcass. He reportedly fled his violent father when he was four years old and has lived with dogs ever since. After years of recovery, Traian is now accepted back into society. He loves football and is close to his uncle.

3. Oxana Malaya

Traian had more luck than Oxana. The Ukrainian child, who was raised in a dog kennel from the age of three to eight, never fully recovered. She is currently being cared for in a centre for mentally handicapped people. Oxana was raised by alcoholics and endured extreme neglect, to the point where she was left alone in her backyard with her dogs, from which she inherited animalistic tendencies such as feeding, snarling, and highly developed senses.

4. John Ssebunya

In 1991, tribesmen discovered John living in a Ugandan wilderness with vervet or green African monkeys. It’s thought that John fled his boyhood home after witnessing his father kill his mother. It is reported that not only did John elude capture, but the group of monkeys also struggled until they were rescued years later. After being sent to an orphanage, John joined the Pearl of Africa children’s choir and began singing there.

5. Amala and Kamala

There have been strange tales of wild kids from India as well. In 1920, two eight-and-a-half-year-old girls named Kamala and Amala were discovered living in caverns with wolves in the West Bengal region of Midnapore. Reverend Joseph Singh, the priest who saved them, called them “hideous looking with foot and body like a human being.” There are rumours that the girls slept curled up together, ate only raw meat, and howled. Kamala went into long-term sorrow when Amala passed away shortly after, while the latter survived until 1929 before passing away from kidney failure.

6. Dina Sanichar

It is estimated that Dina Sanichar, popularly known as “the Indian Wolf Boy,” was approximately 6 years old when he was discovered by hunters in 1867. In the Bulandshahr jungles, wolves had taken him hostage in a cave, but hunters came to his aid. He received the best care possible at the time to help him lead a normal life, and finally, he learnt to consume cooked meat, albeit he never fully mastered speech.

7. Bello

When Bello was found living with chimpanzees in the Falgore Forest of Nigeria in 1996, he was just two years old. He already had physical and mental impairments, and he had started acting and walking like a chimpanzee, dragging his knuckles, jumping, and hurling objects. The young child was taken to a South African home for displaced children, where he subsequently passed away from unidentified causes.

8. Natasha Mikhailova

In 2009, Natasha Mikhailova was five years old when she was found living alone with dogs and cats in a locked flat in Siberia. The young child, who was thought to have been abandoned by her grandparents and father, could only speak in barks and ate with her tongue.

9. Rochom Pn’gieng

After spending 19 years living in a jungle near Ratnagiri, Rochom—also referred to as the Cambodian Jungle Girl—was found in 2007. A family in a nearby village took her in. Rochom turned out to be the missing daughter of the police officer who had saved her. Although her speech and other animistic tendencies have improved since then, she has frequently been observed attempting to flee back into the bush.

10. Ivan Mishukov

Ivan fled his violent family when he was four years old, and he now lives on the streets with a group of stray dogs. The dogs shielded the child and prevented him from freezing to death while he foraged for food and shared it with them. Later, Ivan was saved by law enforcement…CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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