The wife of Eliud Wekesa Simiyu alias Yesu wa Tongaren’s wife, Nabii Benjamini, is pleading with President William Ruto and his wife First Lady Mama Rachel to employ their two children in the military.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Benjamini was addressing the media as she shared her joy on Ruto’s visit to Bungoma for the Madaraka Day celebrations.

She said her family was living in poverty and their only hope was for their children to join the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).

She narrated that her two children had completed their education but were yet to secure employment.

Benjamini revealed that if her children secured jobs her husband and family would get respect in the community.

Yesu wa Tongaren the self-proclaimed Jesus became famous during Easter when he refused to be crucified.

Yesu would later be arrested during investigations into church activities in the country after the Shakahola massacre.

The massacre claimed the lives of more than 150 people many of them exhumed from mass graves in the forest….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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