Beer has been here since the beginning of time. Researchers say two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety. However, routinely turning to alcohol to cope with stress may, in the long run, cause depression and anxiety.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Beer is believed to be one of the oldest beverages in the world. Some archeologists have found beer recipes in Egyptian tombs, Babylonian texts and also in Mesopotamian archaeological sites. Basically all ancient civilisations knew how to brew beer. It is not a new concept.

Beer has been here since the beginning of time, as it turns out. All civilisations have had legends that figured out a way to make beer from available resources.

Beer is made by simply fermenting cereal into alcohol. You drink beer because you want a buzz. You drink beer for vibe, or to cast off inhibition at your uncle’s wedding so you can be able to have a great time.

And whether it is commercial lagers such as Nile Special or home-made brews such as malwa, beer simply brings people together. Like an old sage put it once, it is the water with which friendships are watered to their bloom. This is why it enjoys high popularity across most cultures around the world.

If you are one of the lucky ones that were born and raised in brewing families, you know that beer is all-natural. It needs no additives or preservatives. In comparison, orange juice for instance has more additives than beer because some sugar is added. Not beer.

Just cereal, water and fermentation. Commercial breweries don’t deviate from this simple way of making beer. Am I insinuating that beer is somehow healthier than orange juice? You decide.

It goes without saying that the average beer drinker looks at beer from its ability to create happiness out of thin air, not from the health benefits it comes with. Which is why few ever go on a beer diet to reap the benefits. But as we are about to learn, maybe we should consider strict beer diets. Ahem. Beer does have health benefits.

Here are some benefits of drinking beer, according to scientific studies.

1. Nutritious

Beer has been found to contain naturally-occurring antioxidants and that, according to science, is supposed to be a very good thing. Antioxidants are substances that promote cell health.

In comparison, beer is richer than wine in protein and vitamin B. It contains iron, calcium, phosphates and even fibre, according to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.

2. Protects your heart

Studies suggest moderate beer drinking may make you less likely to suffer from heart attacks, strokes or heart diseases.

In fact, studies evaluating the relative benefits of wine versus beer versus spirits suggest that moderate consumption of any alcoholic beverage is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

3. Prevents kidney stones

According to a recent study, men and women who reported drinking a moderate amount of beer reduced their risk of developing a stone by 41 per cent. Beers that contain a lot of hops – for example, pale ales – are rich in kidney health-promoting phytochemicals.

4. Lowers bad cholesterol

Drinking beer promotes healthy blood sugar and blood-cholesterol levels. However, because alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, it can also lessen the body’s ability to burn stored fat.

5. Strengthens your bones

Research on the effects of beer on bone density revealed that beer can help men and women who have gone through menopause in developing their bone strength. In general, alcohol has a very good impact on bone strength if consumed in moderation.

But experts have warned that even exceeding the limit for one or two days can prove detrimental to your bone health as well as your overall health.

6. Reduces stress

Researchers found that two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety. However, routinely turning to alcohol to help cope with stress may do more harm than good.

While alcohol may help with stress reduction temporarily, in the long run, it can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety, making stress harder to deal with going by the American Journal of Psychiatry.

7. May improve memory

Moderate beer consumption might help lower the risks of dementia, say experts. However, it can prove detrimental if anyone goes overboard in its consumption.

Hops have a secret ingredient that can help improve cognitive function – Xanthohumol. It’s a flavonoid that helps slow down the degradation process of memory.

8. Beer helps cognitive function

In middle-aged subjects, increasing levels of alcohol consumption were associated with better function. These findings do not suggest we encourage increased alcohol consumption, but moderate consumption has been proven to increase cognitive function.

Unfortunately, like all things, beer also has a bad side. Over-drinking beer, just like overdrinking any alcohol causes the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems. But that is a tale of gloom which we don’t do here….READ THE FULL CONTENTS>>

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