Here is the story of a woman who is tired with the behavior of her husband of attracted to animals. The woman was happy seeing his husband working hard raising animals not knowing that those are her husband’s future wives.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Read the full the story below;

“Hello Honorable, i know that my story is nothing compared to the ones you receive on a diary basis but if you get a chance to read my message please do get back to me.

Am a 32 year old mother of a beautiful daughter i have been married for 4 years and in my 4 years i have been so happy everything with my husband just flows easily and we are best friends. I have had no suspicions and no regrets until this year in April.

We live at a small farm and grow a lot of vegetables for sale at the farm but am also an accountant working at a small company. This year April i came back from work early because I was feeling very feverish. When i saw my husband’s car parked it was a relief because i just wanted comfort.

I went inside and i didn’t find him i heard some distress sounds where we kept goats so i walked there and what i saw crashed my heart and it dropped, i started sweating, shaking and developed instate diarrhea because i couldn’t believe what i was seeing at some point during that moment i shook my head thinking i was dreaming.

My husband had tied the goat to the polls inside the goat house and was rapping the goat when he saw me he quickly rushed and stopped, seeing his sperms and blood from the goat coming out made me vomit. I sat down feeling so sick and dizzy with a lot of confusion.

When i became a bit normal i realized my husband had gone inside the house. when i entered the house there was so much silence my nanny was in her bedroom feeding my daughter and my husband had gone straight to the shower. I waited for him to come out so he could tell me what i just saw.

I confronted him and he told me to leave the house if i wanted. He was so defensive and sarcastic i was shocked, this is a man who was a great father and kind man who believes in God and was an i inspiration to me.

We had a lot of cattle and goats and chickens and they kept Increasing and I really was inspired by his work ethics. I believed in him so much and loved him so much. That night i couldn’t sleep i had shivers i slept in the other room. In the morning he left for work without talking to anyone.

I dint know what to do and where to go as my family was in another town. So we talked with my husband and he told me it was demons from childhood and he agreed to get help,we even started going to church together and things got back to normal.

I never told anyone i stayed for my child and because i love my husband so much and was scared of people laughing if I divorced him since all my friends are married. Last week honorable i caught my husband putting his fingers in our 2 year old baby girl’s vagina am so disturbed, i told him i was reporting to the police but he laughed saying with what evidence so i just decided to sit.

I haven’t been eating and losing weight am losing my mind.What should I do to save my family please help me am i don’t know what to do or who to talk to am about to commit suicide…CONTINUE READING>>

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