Men’s bodies change as they become older. A man’s capacity to get and keep an erection, or “hard on,” is one indicator of how his sèx life may change.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

While many cultures honor the elderly, the loss in erèctile function that often follows can be challenging for men of any age in terms of sèxual satisfaction or performance.

When it comes to the question of “at what age do men cease getting hard?” medicalnewstoday reports that there is no simple solution.

Depending on a man’s medical history, lifestyle choices, and mental health, the rate at which his erectile function declines naturally as he ages can vary widely.

It is common for males to experience a loss in erèctile strength and stiffness beginning in their 30s or 40s, while some men may experience these changes considerably sooner.

In particular, it may be claimed that erèctile dysfunction becomes more prevalent once a man reaches the age of 55.

The Massachusetts Male Aging Study is the source of this frequently-cited statistic (MMAS).

Based on responses from 1,709 men, this study found that the risk of erèctile dysfunction increases after age 40, reaches 50% between ages 55 and 65, and approximately 70% after age 70.

It is crucial to remember that erèctile dysfunction can affect males of any age, including young men and teenagers, despite this well known fact.

The aging process naturally exacerbates many of the risk factors that raise the possibility of developing erèctile dysfunction. Bad habits like smoking and drinking excessively, as well as conditions like obesity and metabolic disorders, high cholesterol, heart disease, and atherosclerosis, all contribute to these risks. Certain prescription drugs and treatments for prostate cancer can potentially impair erectile performance.

It’s normal for men to feel embarrassed and ashamed when they first notice symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and discussing the issue can be challenging.

The good news is that erèctile dysfunction may often be treated successfully with a combination of lifestyle adjustments, drugs, and even therapies like penile implants or injections.

Men who encounter erectile dysfunction symptoms should contact a doctor as soon as possible because prompt therapy increases the likelihood of a positive outcome…CONTINUE READING>>

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