Mwangi has voiced strong criticism against Raila Odinga, following President William Ruto’s latest cabinet appointments.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Mwangi, a leading figure in the GenZ demonstrations, accused Odinga of betraying the people of Kenya by aligning with the government for personal gains.

On July 24, 2024, President Ruto announced his second batch of cabinet secretaries, which included notable allies of Raila Odinga.

Among those appointed were Joho, Wandayi, Oparanya, and Mbadi, all prominent figures within the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party. This move has sparked controversy and discontent among many Kenyans, particularly those who have been actively protesting in the streets.

Mwangi’s message to Odinga was clear and unambiguous. He stated that Odinga had once again betrayed the trust of the people.

According to Mwangi, Odinga’s decision to join forces with the government was primarily to secure positions for his allies, disregarding the sacrifices and efforts made by the young demonstrators. Mwangi expressed that the actions taken by Odinga were self-serving and not in the best interest of the Kenyan populace.

The GenZ demonstrations, led by young activists like Mwangi, have been a significant movement in recent times. These protests have been driven by frustrations over various socio-economic and political issues facing the country.

The demonstrators have been demanding better governance, transparency, and accountability from their leaders. However, the recent cabinet appointments have left many feeling disillusioned and betrayed.

Mwangi emphasized that Kenyans will neither forget nor forgive Odinga for his actions.

He believes that Odinga’s alliance with the government is a clear indication that he is more interested in power and positions than in addressing the genuine concerns of the people.

This sentiment is shared by many who have been actively participating in the demonstrations.

The activist’s message has resonated with a large segment of the population, especially the youth. Many feel that their voices have been ignored and their efforts undermined by the political maneuvers of their leaders.

The inclusion of Odinga’s allies in the cabinet is seen as a strategic move to consolidate power, rather than a step towards addressing the pressing issues facing the country.

Despite the disillusionment, Mwangi and other activists have vowed to continue their fight for justice and accountability.

They are urging Kenyans to persist with the demonstrations and to keep pushing for change. The call for President Ruto’s resignation remains strong among the protesters, who believe that his administration has failed to deliver on its promises…CONTINUE READING>>

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