Nakuru-based Kameme TV reporter Wanjeri Kariuki is recuperating after she was shot by anti-riot Police officers while covering Generation Z-led peaceful demonstrations in Nakuru.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Wanjeri was shot despite having a Press branded jacket.

According to fellow scribes, Wanjeri was on her assigned duty covering Generation Z-led peaceful demonstrations when the incident happened in Nakuru CBD.

Sources have it that Wanjeri was shot thrice on her thighs.

She has to undergo surgery over the same.

This even as Nakuru based Gitugi FM CEO Samwel Wanjiru’s brother was also shot during the protests in Nakuru.

Speaking to this writer via phone, Samuel Wanjiru revealed that the brother was recuperating at Nakuru Level 5 Hospital.

He condemned police for using excessive force on peaceful demonstrators.

Earlier in the day, Nakuru based Human Rights Defenders Masese Kemunche and Muraya Wanyambugi also condemned police brutality.

“This is not the Kenya we want where peaceful demonstrators are teargassed and even shot,” stated Masese…CONTINUE READING>>

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