Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has asked people from Mt. Kenya region to shun tribal politics and instead rally behind President William Ruto’s government.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Waiguru said the divisive politics being advanced by a section of leaders should be rejected for the sake of development and unity of the nation.

She said the region is solidly behind President Ruto’s government so as to ensure it delivers its development promises to the people.

Speaking during Madaraka Day celebrations at Mutitu polytechnic grounds in Kirinyaga Central sub-county, the Governor asked leaders to tone down on divisive politics saying it is time for elected leaders to work for the people.

“In 2007, we were in the same situation were in now. As a leader from Mt. Kenya, I cannot knowingly allow our people to be misled into separating themselves from the rest of Kenyans.

When you hear me and other leaders emphasizing that we call ourselves ’Kenyans’ in one voice, we as Mount Kenyans are the ones to benefit the most. But if we agree to set ourselves apart from other tribes we will have gone wrong,” said Waiguru.

Waiguru said the region has reaped big from the Kenya Kwanza government and asked residents to reject those who want to separate them from the rest of Kenya.

“We want to be considered Kenyans, not Kikuyus. Kikuyus are all over the country working in different jobs. That is why that tribal rhetoric and politics is very dangerous. We want a unified nation because we know how to align ourselves in government, and even now we are in government and still bringing development to our people,” the Governor said.

Saying it’s too early for political campaigns, Waiguru asked leaders to put more effort on bringing development in their areas instead of politicking.

“Time for campaigns will come, we are only two years into office. What the people want is development and this should be our focus at the moment,” Waiguru said.

The Council of Governors (COG) Chair said she will not be silenced or cowed by people who want to start unnecessary fights at the expense of development and unity of the nation.

“We have not told anyone to vacate his seat, what we are saying is that we should also allow others who have ambitions to exercise their rights. We should hold their hand and not to fight them,” she said.

She said Kirinyaga has reaped big from its support and cooperation with the national government adding that this should be safeguarded.

Other leaders who spoke called for an end to divisive politics and early campaigns.

Kirinyaga Central MP Gitari Gachoki and several Members of County Assembly (MCAs) asked all elected leaders to put their effort in serving the people.

Gachoki said that Kirinyaga people will rally their support behind Governor Waiguru if she decides to ascend to a higher office come 2027….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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