Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has announced the reopening of Club Timba XO in Eldoret on Wednesday, August 7 after the venue was vandalised during the recent youth-led street protests against the Finance Bill 2024.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The announcement was made during Sudi’s appearance on the Obinna Live show on Friday, August 2. The club, which originally opened in May, became a target during the protests and suffered extensive damage in July.

Suspected thugs reportedly smashed glass walls, windows and doors, while making off with liquor worth thousands of shillings.

Sudi revealed that the incident resulted in the loss of Sh25 million worth of alcohol, with total damage, including hotel losses, amounting to over Sh48 million.

Despite the significant financial setback, Sudi was forgiving of those involved in the destruction. “Timba XO, Timba Hotel and everything – I spent about Sh250 million. Better to lose that than kill people,” he said, reflecting on the potential violence that could have ensued.

“We would have killed over 50 people that day. I told my people not to touch anyone. They allowed them to do what they could and allowed the police to deal with them.

The police did their best, but some of them acted stupidly. It would not have been that bad. I thank God because it would have been a bad story but I did not want people to lose their lives over Sh2,000.

The MP went on to say that although he lost a considerable amount, he was grateful that no lives were lost.

“I would rather lose as a person and recover afterwards. They did not cut off my arms or my brain and that is why we will be opening Timba XO next week on Wednesday”.

Sudi also extended an olive branch to those who looted the club, asking them to return the stolen equipment and promising that no action would be taken against them.

“Everything, including the hotel, we lost over Sh48 million. They stole everything, but it is okay. I want to ask those who stole equipment at Timba XO to return it, and we will not take action. Some of those items, like speakers, you can’t use anywhere because they are programmed. Those who were misused, we have also forgiven them.”

In the wake of the incident, Sudi said over 220 workers at the club lost their jobs, a situation he tried to mitigate by paying their salaries for two months.

“I was forced to pay them for two months so that they can feed their families,” he said...CONTINUE READING>>

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