The difficult economic times many people are facing around the world can move one into a killer depression.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Every month, atleast, hospitals lose lives over people admitted with High Blood Pressure Hypertension and depression. Of late, these cases have gone up tremendously.

It is, however, not all lost. Do not lose hope even when you are among those suffering with such lifestyle diseases which could turn terminal. At least, just like Jackton 43, you too can get a solution and live a healthy life going forward.

7 Healthy Coping Strategies for Stress and Depression

It’s always best to work with a mental health professional when learning coping strategies for stress and depression. A trusted therapist can work with you on your journey to overcoming your challenges, supporting and encouraging you along the way.

To get you started, here are some practical things you can do to manage stress and depression in a healthy way:

Prioritize your physical health

One of the most essential things you can do to improve your mental health and reduce stress is to take care of your physical health. It can be challenging to find the motivation to eat a nutritious diet, exercise regularly, and sleep the proper amount when you are stressed or depressed. However, if you set reasonable, attainable goals for caring for your body, you’ll feel motivated to continue moving forward when you achieve them.

Practice meditation and deep breathing

You don’t have to be a yogi or naturopath to practice meditation and deep breathing. The only thing you have to do is actually do it! Meditation and deep breathing possess several health benefits for both your body and mind and have been proven to have an incredibly positive impact on reducing stress.

When you are stressed, your thoughts race, your breathing becomes shallow, and your muscles tense. This is due to your body’s sympathetic nervous system, or the “fight, flight, or freeze” system. While this is an excellent natural reaction when you are in actual danger, it’s not very helpful when you’re stressed.

Deep breathing and meditation activate your parasympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the “rest and digest” system. Just a few minutes of deep breathing can work wonders!

Distance yourself from your stress

When you experience stress, try to identify your feelings and thoughts and recognize that you won’t feel this way forever. To effectively distance yourself from your stress, you must temporarily distract yourself from your current emotions.

You may consider stepping away from your current situation. For example, if social media triggers stress, take a break for a while.

It can be challenging to master, but a trained professional mental health expert can help.

Consume less caffeine, alcohol, and other substances

Stress may drive you to want to drink alcohol, smoke, or grab a cup of coffee in an attempt to feel better. However, these substances can exacerbate stress and make it more intense.

When you limit substances like these and replace them with healthier coping strategies for stress, you’ll feel healthier and, eventually, learn how to manage without them

Participate in relaxing, enjoyable hobbies and activities

One excellent way to reduce stress is to carve out time in your regular schedule to do things you love. Think about activities like reading, gardening, painting, listening to music, or even just some quality time with a cherished pet.

Doing things you love can lower stress levels, blood pressure, and cortisol while simultaneously raising serotonin levels, making you feel more content.

Connect with your support system

It’s essential to stay connected with people you trust and care about. While you may want to isolate yourself from others, relying on a solid support network is crucial to lowering stress levels and reducing depression symptoms.

Seek professional support

Stress and depression can wreak havoc on your life, and you shouldn’t try to cope alone. A mental health professional can teach you healthy coping strategies for stress, set goals for managing stress and depression better, and be a reliable member of your support network.

Seeking professional help is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, reaching out for help is a sign of strength and shows that you genuinely care about improving your mental and physical health. And that’s good for you and your loved ones.

It’s essential to be in touch with how you’re feeling. And when you feel the stress levels rise, it’s also important to recognize that taking care of yourself is okay. You may feel like making your mental health a priority is selfish. That is, in no way, true. You can’t be your best self without caring for your mental health….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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