It is the most commonly used phrase. It’s nice of you to do that, but could you tell me if you really mean it? Tell me if you really think that, because a lot of people say it just because they always have.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

How have you been able to stay together for so long? A reporter asked an old man and woman. “We were born in a time when things that were broken were fixed,” she said. “Don’t just throw it away,” I say.

When I heard what she said, I had to take a deep breath. Most people today say that love is not really love at all but rather ownership. To be negative, I think most people in our generation don’t know what the differences are.

Don’t say “I love you” if you don’t know what else to say. Do you want to know the difference between love and ownership? I’ll explain more as you read on.

True love is not blind, despite what most people think. It lets you see everything. When two people love each other, they don’t all feel the same way. The score is a perfect 100 out of 100.

You have to give it all you’ve got. It’s neither a tightrope walk nor a chance game. Everything about you is on the line, including your heart.

Don’t let yourself be fooled. Love says, “I want you to be happy.” “I want you to make me happy,” the voice says.

It is also called an addiction because having something is the opposite of loving it. Love is built on mutual respect and commitment.

“Possession” uses the word “mine,” while “Love” uses the word “us.” “Love is the ocean, and having something is a cage.”

Love wants to let go, but possession wants to be in charge.

“Love tries to be like what it’s like to have something.” Possession saves receipts to remind them of all the good things they’ve done.

Love doesn’t keep score, but it knows that we are all on the same team.

Love softens the heart, while having something hardens it. A flower can be pulled out of the ground by ownership, but love can keep it alive.

Possession tries to hide, but love is clear and open. Love can see the soul, but only the body can be owned.

Love has faith in the plan. Whoever has possession sets the direction. To win this argument, Possession wants to show how much better it is.

Love is about making connections with other people. Love is full of light, while having something is full of darkness.

What is the right point of view? questions about who has what. Love says, “Do what’s right.”

It’s not love if your hands are sweaty and your heart beats fast. When it goes off, it makes a lot less noise. Possession will kill anyone who comes into contact with it.

Everyone gets better when they’re around love. You can actually own a fake document.

The only thing that is real is love. Things come and go, but love will always be there.

But we all know that perfection is a fantasy. Even love needs to eat. Sad to say, we don’t get a daily dose of forgiveness and understanding instead of just platitudes.

So, are you ready to keep going even when things get hard? Every day, do you choose love? Are you also ready to fix everything that needs to be fixed? Do it now, and you’ll be happy forever…CONTINUE READING>>

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