The saying goes: There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen. The last one month has seen significant political changes, unprecedented in the last three decades. The outcome has been positive, with an awakening of civil consciousness on the role citizens play in nation-building.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In response to the protests led by the younger generations, the President sacked his Cabinet secretaries, a move he claimed would allow him to reconstitute a working government of national unity. This decision seemed to pacify the protesters, giving the impression that he had listened to their calls for an accountable government.

However, to the shock and utter disbelief of many, the President reappointed some of the former CSs. Many questioned why he dissolved the entire Cabinet if he intended to bring back the same individuals. The inclusion of top opposition figures in the new Cabinet also added to the shock and outrage.

Political analysts suggest that the President used the opportunity to strengthen his position for the 2027 General Election rather than address issues plaguing his government, such as corruption, high taxation, poor public service and ineffective policies.

The opposition’s scramble for government positions has highlighted the dynamics of Kenyan politics. Faced with the common threat of accountability demanded by Kenyans, political figures seem to have forgotten their party identities to save themselves. Mr Raila Odinga, in particular, is destroying his legacy. His decision to join the government shows a lack of principled politics and ideologies.

It is evident that Kenyan politicians are driven by greed and self-interest at the expense of ideologies and principles. Parliament, mandated to hold the Executive accountable, is now undermined by the appointment of opposition members to senior government positions. This act compromises the principle of independence of the arms of government and cripples the already weak Parliament.

The government can now push through its agenda without significant opposition. The opposition’s acceptance to work with the government, instead of holding it accountable, sacrifices democracy and makes nonsense of protesters’ blood and sweat. This collaboration between political adversaries is a clear indication of the political class’ intent to continue looting public resources and protecting each other.

The President missed a great opportunity to put the country in the right direction. One of the protesters’ demands was for a new Cabinet free from ethnicity, and corruption, and filled with technocrats instead of politicians.

However, the President seemed to ignore this by appointing politicians, some with ongoing corruption cases and questionable academic credentials. This decision has resulted in a missed opportunity to choose competence and a fresh start.

It remains to be seen how the parliamentarians will vet the proposed Cabinet members or if they will merely act as a rubber stamp.

Mr Kosgei is an award-winning social entrepreneur…CONTINUE READING>>

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