My wife has body odor and, honestly, I can’t stand her anymore. We live in London and moved here immediately after we got married. That has always been our plan. Back in Nigeria, when we were dating, my wife used to be the cleanest person I knew. She had her bath twice a day, took care of her body and skin, and I always loved that about her. But immediately after we got to London, everything changed.

She bathes once every three days, and when you ask her why, she says the cold is too much. I told her we have hot water, but she still says it’s too cold.

I don’t think that’s her real problem because even if she doesn’t want to bathe, she should at least change her clothes. She will come back from work and sleep in her work clothes, making everything smelly. She complains that I don’t touch her anymore.

How can I touch someone that smells like fish? I’ve communicated this to her and stressed that, as a man who works all day, I come back and wash up and change out of my work clothes. I don’t smell, and this smell is making me lose interest in her. If it’s like this now, how will it be when we start having kids?

What should I do? I am tired of talking and talking. She’s already pushing me to consider another woman because how can someone, a woman, not bathe for three days? If she bathed once a day, I would not care, but once every three days is something I don’t think I can live with. What should I do because I am tired of talking, just like I said before…CONTINUE READING>>