My big sister was about to travel abroad. She’s been married to my brother-in-law for five years, and they have two children. They own a house, but the house was very new. My parents and my sister all decided that I should come and stay with my sister’s children and look after them for one year until my sister comes back.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

I had already graduated from university and was looking for a job. I decided to look after my sister’s children while she studied abroad for one year. Everything was OK. In the first month and second month, the husband was really good because he normally bought everything in bulk, so we didn’t lack anything.

My sister called all the time to check up on us and the children. Their first daughter was five, and the other one was two. Sometimes her husband would take me and the kids to the beach because they wanted to go.

We went to the beach one weekend. My sister was with us. When we went out, he would buy me food and everything. Everything was OK. I slept in the visitors’ room because the place had three bedrooms: my sister and her husband’s room, the children’s room, and the visitors’ room.

One evening, he wanted me to escort him somewhere. He had already told my sister, and she agreed. So, we dressed up and went out.

There were a lot of drinks, and he gave me so much to drink. I wasn’t used to alcohol, but he gave me a sweet drink, and I think I had too much. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I was in my sister’s bedroom with her husband. I quickly took my clothes and went back to my room.

Two days later, my sister’s husband paid a huge amount of money into my bank account. Normally, he would give me small amounts, but this time it was really huge. I saw the money in my account and asked if he sent it. He said I could use it to do some shopping. I was very happy but still thinking about that night, as it felt like a dream, but I knew something had happened.

One night, he came into my room and said nobody would know. He convinced me, saying it would help my sister and that she would miss him. Eventually, I was with my brother-in-law. Long story short, I am pregnant. I missed my period. I took pills, drank hot drinks, and used many things, but nothing worked.

When I went for a medical consultation, they told me that terminating the pregnancy was very risky and that I might even lose my life. I don’t understand why they said that since it seemed like a simple procedure, but they advised against it. I am not willing to risk my life, and I don’t want to risk my sister’s marriage because I would lose her.

What am I going to do? How do I tell my parents that I am pregnant? My sister doesn’t know. Her husband keeps telling me how wicked it would be to reveal the truth. I feel trapped.

If I insist on terminating the pregnancy, I might lose my life. If I have this child, what am I going to say? How am I going to keep this secret without risking my sister’s marriage…CONTINUE READING>>

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