Hannah has painfully narrated how her pastor threw her outside naked after he raped her and she got pregnant.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to Hannah, she decided to start attending a particular church after she left her marriage and relocated to another area.

She claims that after she introduced herself and mentioned where she came from, the senior pastor, who was still a young man, approached her after the service. He told her that he also lived in her area and that they would be attending the same fellowship.

With time, they became good friends, and she opened up to him, explaining that she was struggling to get a job. The pastor asked for her CV and promised to help her find employment.

Hannah says that a few days later, the pastor called her and asked her to go to his place to meet the person who was supposed to offer her a job. Upon arriving, she found that they were alone in the house. The pastor locked the door, and before she could ask what was going on, he started removing her clothes. During the struggle, her clothes were torn.

Hannah says that the pastor managed to rape her, and after he was done, he threw her out without clothes, giving her only a bedsheet to cover herself. She says that after she went home, she never shared this with anyone. A few weeks later, she discovered that she was pregnant.

Hannah says that after she informed the pastor that she was pregnant, he sent her 3,000 shillings and told her to abort the baby. She chose to keep the baby. When she was eight months pregnant, she finally told her mother about the pregnancy.

She says that her son is now 10 years old. When he asked who his father was, she tried to find the pastor on social media. After she told him that his son would like to meet him, he blocked her.

Hannah claims that although she has gone through hell in her life, she has chosen not to give up. She always does her best to take care of her son…CONTINUE READING>>

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