I am a 32 year old woman from Imo state, but lives in Lagos with my husband. We have married for 6 years without a child.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

My mother in law paid us a visit at seldom as well as my sister in laws. MY husband works in a bank and always came late from work. So it was difficult to table any sinister plan before him by his mother.

The utterances of my mother in law with regard to my childless situation was not palatable, but I just ignore her because she wanted to cause problem between me and my husband, if I exchange words with her.

After 3 month she again paid a visit to us with two of her daughters in order to implement their plan of ejecting me out of the house, if they discovered that I am yet to conceive for my husband . Unfortunately for them my husband has known their plan and he took me to Dr Ohanu spiritual home+23480, 8807, 7395, for solution and I was already pregnant for a month.

Before my husband took me to Dr Ohanu spiritual home. we have tried many hospitals seeking for the fruit of the womb, but nothing seems to work out. Then my mother in law continue to pressurize my husband that she will marry another lady for him from the village, but he jettisoned the idea.

So after he took me to Dr Ohanu spiritual home. i became feverish within two weeks and he took me to the hospital for treatment. The doctor confirm that i was pregnant but my husband didn’t believe it until after a month when it became obvious to him that I was actually pregnant after another confirmatory test in two other hospitals.

So when my mother in law and her daughters came they table the matter with him and threatened to marry another wife for him in the village. He told them that God has finally done it. They were not satisfied with his answer and decided to confront me with some abusive words and expect me to retaliate, but I didn’t make any comments.

They were disappointed and travel back to the village the following day waiting for another opportunity to come and strike, if what my husband told them is fake, but when they came after 7 months. They were surprised to see that I have put to bed and just returned from the hospital.

They were disappointed and became speechless with their sinister motive and blamed my husband for not telling them that I have put to bed.

Surprisingly, since after the birth of my first child up to this moment of 3 children none of them pay us a visit any more. They don’t even bother to call my husband as if they have become enemies, but just last one week. One of his sister called that their mother is critically ill and needed his financial help.

What do you think should be done because he is skeptical about their call considering their previous evil plot and the malicious distance they kept with him since their plan of second wife failed…CONTINUE READING>>

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