My fiancé called off our engagement because I told him my body count is 20. Long story short, my birthday was in March, and just like my boyfriend, he outdid himself with gifts and flowers. He’s a kind gentleman, and sometimes I ask myself, “What did I do to deserve him?” because he is a walking green flag. In fact, he is the nice guy.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

My fiancé proposed to me at my last birthday dinner, and of course, I said yes to him. Why not? After our engagement, he booked us an engagement honeymoon trip to Ghana. Yes, my man is rich. Yes, I keep calling him my man because I can’t seem to get over him.

One day, we were playing adult games with cards. It got to the part where we decided to play truth or dare. It was my turn, so I chose truth. Out of nowhere, he asked me, “What is your body count?”

I told him 20 because I didn’t think 20 men were a lot. He was shocked and thought I was joking, but I told him I was serious. I thought he would say, “Wow, that’s more,” but he looked at me in a way that made me feel he was disgusted.

My fiancé is a clingy person, but that night, he slept on the edge of the bed. The next morning, I left, and by the evening of the same day, he called me to call off the engagement. He said that his body count is just three and all the women he dated were flings.

He said he doesn’t see himself getting married to someone who has been with over 20 men. He said it shows I don’t have self-control and that he is sorry but doesn’t think I am the one for him. He said I am just 25 and I’ve already been with 20 men, and he doesn’t think I will be faithful to him.

I wonder why women are always judged. If it were a man, it would be OK. Just 20 men, and he is complaining? Or do you think 20 men is too much for a woman’s body count…CONTINUE READING>>

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