How do I get my boss to stop sleeping with me? I slept my way to get this job, but this whole thing has become something else. I am the first daughter of my family, and I have three sisters. We are not doing very fine, but my sister is doing well at this point. She’s passed the position of the breadwinner of the family.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

I can’t just sit down when my bed is being taken by my sister, so that’s why I decided that, for this last interview, I would do all I could to get the job. After the interview, I qualified. In fact, I did excellently well. But I got an anonymous message from the boss saying that although I qualified for the job, to actually get the job, I would have to sleep my way through.

I thought about this for days. How am I going to look at people in the office? But I thought about it being just a one-time thing. After this one time, nothing would happen again. So, I gave in. He booked the hotel, and we did it, and I got the job.

The problem now is that every single time I go to meet my boss to try to submit a paper, he’s always thinking about sex. We’re having sex in the office and in hotels frequently, and it’s getting to be too much. I also noticed that I am not the only person this is happening to. Other staff in the office are also sleeping with my boss. I can hear them moaning from my corridor.

I am tired of it. They now look at me like I’m the enemy here because I’m a bitch, and I’m tired of it. I don’t want to continue. How do I get my boss to stop sleeping with me, guys? I deserve this job. I qualified for it. I know I slept my way through it, but how can I stop him from sleeping with me…CONTINUE READING>>

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