According to WebMD, there are various health conditions that cause watery eyes. Allergies, infections, clogged tear ducts, and odd-looking eyelids are among the causes....CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

1. Allergies

Many people suffer from allergies, yet many are unaware of how this affects their vision. Pollen, pet dander, mites, and fumes can all cause your eyes to become red, itchy, and watery.

2. Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis)

Pinkeye is a type of inflammation, it may occur if your eyes seem pink or red in addition to all of the extra tears. Blurred vision, pus or mucus in the eye, and red inner eyelids are other symptoms.

If you suspect you have it, consult a doctor straight away. The treatment you receive will be determined by whether the cause is bacteria, a virus, or allergies. Also, keep your hands away from your eyes and clean them with lid scrapes or warm soapy water before and after applying for the medicine. Don’t share towels, washcloths, or anything else that comes into contact with your eyes.

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3. Blocked Tear Ducts

Your eye contains a little plumbing system that produces tears and then washes them over your eye and into your nose via a duct. When the tear duct becomes narrowed or obstructed, tears back up, and your eyes become wet, itchy, or inflamed. Mucus, crusty eyelashes, hazy vision, and blood in your tears are all symptoms.

4. Dry Eyes

Dry eyes may be annoyed and irritated. Your immune system may respond by crying excessively. You may also experience stinging, burning, redness, and vision issues. If the symptoms persist, it’s time to consult your doctor.

5. Eyelid Problems

The drainage system of your eyes is comprised of your eyelids. If one of yours sags or twists outward, tears may not drain properly and your eyes may become wet. When it grows inward, it brushes against your eye, irritating. Other issues that may arise include redness, mucousness, dryness, and light sensitivity.

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6. Ingrown Eyelashes

When your eyelashes grow inward, they irritate your eye. This frustrates it and causes it to cry more. Your doctor may recommend pulling out an ingrown lash or surgery to permanently remove the lash. If you do not get treatment, you may develop more serious complications such as corneal scratches and ulcers.

7. Problems With Your Cornea

Problems with the cornea can range from minor abrasions to open sores known as ulcers. Keratitis is a disorder in which the corneas become inflamed. Each of these can trigger your tears to work extra hard.

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You’ll notice it if your cornea is scratched. Your eyes will be extremely watery, uncomfortable, and light-sensitive. When you close it, it may feel as if there is something within. Rinse your eye with saline solution, blink many times, or move your upper eyelid over your lower eyelid to treat it. Any of these steps may wash away the thing causing you trouble.

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