The Matatu Movement Kenya members are considering staging a nationwide strike on Tuesday to protest exploitation by insurance companies and auctioneers.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

They claimed that their costs of operations have gone up, which has resulted to banks auctioning their vehicles due to defaults.

Insurance companies closing down have resulted to losses to their members who have to buy new policies for their vehicles.

“You find you have taken an insurance policy only to find it is not valid because the company providing it has closed down at night without issuing a notice,” they explained.

In what they term as a collusion of insurance companies and auctioneers, they say whenever matatu owners fail to pay their premiums, auctioneers are quick to auction their vehicles.

“We will not accept that. If your claim was Ksh3 million, you are given Ksh250,000 because it makes people to be auctioned,” they explained criticizing auctioneers who are quick to auction their vehicles.

They complained that the License Board of Auctioneers has not helped in protecting matatu owners who are harassed by auctioneers. In fact, they do not know where their offices are based.

“The new Minister of Transport now take this issue seriously and resolve this matter,” they urged the CS of Transport.

“If the government does not hear our grievances, we have united all over the country to desist from engaging in transport activities.”

“We want a framework that will see the creation of insurance policies that will safeguard policyholders in the event the insurance company closes or goes bankrupt.”

Further, the matatu operators have issued a two-day ultimatum for their issues to be addressed, failure to which all the roads will be vacant.

“On Tuesday, there will be no public service vehicles on the road if things are not going to be resolved, we are going to down our tools,” they added…CONTINUE READING>>

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