He recounts how, through prayer, he received a divine revelation about the hidden location of his wife’s secret stash of ARVs.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

A man recently made a shocking discovery about his wife of three years. It turns out she is HIV positive and has been discreetly taking antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) throughout their marriage.

Armed with his mobile phone, the husband decided to share this unexpected revelation with the world via a video that quickly gained traction on social media.

In the video, which has stirred quite a buzz online, the man recounts how, through prayer, he received a divine revelation about the hidden location of his wife’s secret stash of ARVs.

“This seat here. behind seat, there is somethiong that I want to show you which my wi9fe hjas hidden for all the three years of marriage. In my prayesrs, God has shown me and today I’m going to expose her. I thank God that I have found this truth.”

He proceeds to reveal that his wife had torn a hole behind their sofa and concealed her ARVs there for safekeeping. The man retrieves a black paper bag from behind the torn fabric.

“You can see this hole here. She has deliberately removed this cover underneath and iuf youy see there you will see somnething. So i will pull it out. You can see i’m pulling it out. It’s here. you see the thing that she has hidden.”

He explains as he unwraps a blue bottle of TLD (tenofovir/lamivudine/dolutegravir), an ARV regimen recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the preferred first-line treatment for adults living with HIV.

The man then takes a moment to caution those contemplating marriage. He expresses his dismay at standing by his wife through thick and thin, only to be betrayed by her secret use of ARVs…CONTINUE READING>>

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