Heartbreak and Betrayal: Woman Shares How Her Husband Marrying Cousin After Withholding Affection. In a heart-wrenching revelation on a microblogging platform, a Nigerian woman anonymously shared her painful experience of her husband marrying her cousin after expressing interest during a family gathering.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to her account, the shocking revelation initially seemed like a jest, but her husband’s desire to marry her cousin became a painful reality. In response, the devastated woman resorted to drastic measures, including starving her husband of food and intimacy, hoping to salvage their relationship.

The anonymous woman disclosed her struggle in a message to @Peng_writer on the platform, stating, “This 2nd wife issue reminded me of my ex got married 2016.

My cousin (we saw last when we were kids) came around for a job function, came around to say hello 2 me, my husband met her & said he wanted to marry her, thought it was all jokes, starved him of food & sex… so many things but he got married to her.”

The heartbreaking narrative sheds light on the emotional toll of betrayal within relationships and the challenges faced by individuals grappling with such heartbreak. It prompts reflection on the complexities of trust and loyalty, unraveling a tale of love lost to unforeseen circumstances…CONTINUE READING>>

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