A lady identified as joy revealed how she found herself sleeping with another man who had offered to help her pay her husband’s hospital bills after his family abandoned him.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

She met her husband while working as a nanny. She fell pregnant with him and decided to move into his house where she delivered after the nine months journey.

After a few years of living together, her husband lost his job which made him fall into depression and indulged in drinking illicit brews. She tried to ask his friends to talk to him to change to no avail.

After a few months, her husband started complaining of severe stomach pain. Since he had no money to go to the hospital for tests to be conducted, he used to buy painkillers from the counter.

Joy used to wash people’s clothes to cater to their needs. She requested a young man who was her client to give her money to be able to take her husband to the hospital and promised to work for him to deduct the money from her earnings.

Her husband was diagnosed with kidney failure. She informed his family but they did nothing about it they never visited him. She requested the guy to give her another sum of money for her husband’s treatment. This time round the guy told her that the money was a lot and what she had to do was to sleep with him to give her the money.

Joy had no choice but to agree since she had nowhere to go and borrow money since her husband was in pain and couldn’t watch him without offering him any help. She got the money and took her husband to start dialysis. Unfortunately, her husband died at night while in Hospital…CONTINUE READING>>

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