Cabinet Secretary for Public Service Moses Kuria has accused Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua of orchestrating divisions in the ruling United Democratic Alliance UDA Party.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

On Thursday May 31, Kuria released a series of statements on social media where he revealed that Gachagau had sponsored some individuals to come up with fake Facebook and Twitter accounts in the name of Moses Kuria where misleading posts against President William Ruto are constantly shared.

He revealed that DP Gachagua has been busy mobilising bloggers to set up fake accounts so that to paint Kuria in bad faith and to show that Kuria is fighting his boss, Ruto.

According to the CS, Gachagua’s latest moves did not only show his insincerity but also proves how he is not happy with anyone working with Ruto at the Statehouse Kenya.

“Dear Team Rigathi Gachagua. Stop it! You have set up a whole unit to do paddy accounts and fake accounts in my name to fight President Ruto, Governor Sakaja, Hon Ichung’wah, Hon Ndindi Nyoro etc.,” CS Kuria made the allegations.

CS Kuria, therefore, advised Gachagua to stop the drama because it was causing more harm to Ruto and the people who are working day in day out to see the president succeed to deliver to the people who elected him into power.

“Please! I don’t have any problem with you. You are doing more harm than good to your boss,” he added.

Kuria and Gachagua are not new to drama, a few months ago, the duo was also embroiled in an ugly online and public exchange.

The two, recently, also differed on the Mt. Kenya Limuru III caucus which Kuria supported while DP Gachagua was against….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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