A fresh politician who secretly flew a prominent gospel singer to city was on Friday night caught red handed in a lodging within the CBD.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to a reliable eyewitness, the two love birds were in one of the high-end hotels along Ngong Road.

“The MP and the artist entered here at 7pm and set base at the VIP bar. They said that they came here because they wanted privacy,” a waitress at the hotel reported.

She said that she served them with a bottle of whiskey, two bottles of water and a cun full of ice cubes before they left for the room they had booked.

“I thought that was her husband but I never thought they were drunkards. After they went to sleep I remained convinced that they were married,” she added.

Another eyewitness, said that the duo before they retired to bed, they bought alcohol for some of the revelers who seemed to know them so that to silence them.

But hell broke loose on the two after they entered their rooms to sleep where the two got locked and could not separate from the act.

“I thought there was an attack. When the Dj paused the music, that is when we realised that the two people were screaming for help while stuck together like Siamese twin...CONTINUE READING>>

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