Breakfast show presenters Kwambox and Kerry today had a conversation with Kasmwel MCoure about his political aspirations in 2027.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“Is it something you have thought about because 2027 is two and a half years from now, so if you need to make up your mind Kasmwel we are going to ask you this question again, 2027 lets say it is July 30th 2027 will I see a poster somewhere with your name,”

Kwambox asked.

“That is not even a difficult question because anyone whose been following me knows that I declared this in 2022 and I am like I want to be the politician that I want to see because we’ve just been electing a bunch of clowns,”

Kasmwel responded.

“So I said it in 2022 that I am going to be active on politics come 2027.”

“Will you join a party,” Kwambox asked.

Kasmwel the responded by saying he isn’t sure for now because he is trying to figure out how it may come out at that particular time because politics is totally different.

Kasmwel then went on and said that he will vie for either a position in the Legislative house or an Executive…CONTINUE READING>>

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