Youth activist Kasmuel McOure has revealed why he had to meet Majority Chief Whip Silvanus Osoro on Wednesday September 18. He also had a brief with George Ruto.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Demystifying the notion that his meeting with the Chief Whip was exposed by netizens, MacOure has clarified that he had other issues which had taken him at the Members Club and, while there, he stumbled on MP Osoro with whom they shared a lengthy political discussion.

Oure revealed that he had a chance to tell MP Osoro the truth about the state of youths in the country and why they are not satisfied with the current leadership.

“It was my first time meeting him, and I took the opportunity to say to his face what I’ve always said online: Their government has failed us in fundamental ways. Extrajudicial killings, false promises on service delivery, and a blatant disregard for the rule of law. We disagreed on several issues and agreed on a few.

“We even had a good laugh before I moved on to the meeting I was actually there for. My online critics have often tried to relegate me to protests alone. However, you can not only dismiss me to die in the streets, as if my leadership was destined to end there”Added Kasmuel in his long statement after netizens termed the meeting as a betrayal to the noble course.

The youthful activist also said, any slight chance to meet and share his thinking with the powers will not be wasted just because some Kenyans only want to see him on the streets, all the time.

“If I get the chance to speak truth to power, I’ll do it every time. The influence I have is held in escrow, representing the underprivileged youth we engage with in communities across the country.

“It stands for the families of those who marched with me but never returned. I wish you’d also shine as great a light on those moments and help us drive that conversation forward”.

He, however, said he is also ready to start civic engagements on social media so that to remain firm in the fight against current poor leadership and dictatorship.

MacOure, at some point the same day, was spotted with a group of young people among them President William Ruto’s son George Ruto’.

The two shook hands as Kasmuel appeared to ask him, though in a light manner, to join future demonstrations…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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