Marriage is a legally recognized union between two individuals, typically based on mutual love, commitment, and often accompanied by a ceremony or celebration.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to a Tuko news report on their Facebook page, a Kenyan man has been in a relationship with his best friend’s wife for over 10 years. The man’s friend works abroad and can go for up to a year without returning home.

Even though the man and the woman have fought often, he has still been unable to leave her. He is jealous of his friend and believes that the woman is good in bed. He said,

“I have been dating my best friend’s wife for more than 10 years now. Her husband works outside Kenya and can take even one year without returning home.

The problem is that I have not been able to leave this woman. Even if we disagree, I just get back to him, and again she is jealous of my wife. I have a child with him and she’s very good in twa twa. What should I do…CONTINUE READING>>

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