After 30, is the time to replace furniture that is past its prime or no longer serves its purpose with pieces that better reflect your evolving tastes and lifestyle.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Knowing what to get rid of in your home and what to add is part of growing up. As you transition from young adult to mature adult, your tastes in décor and lifestyle should evolve as well, to be able to support your new life.

At 30, it means your life is changing; you have more responsibilities and you live more responsibly. You also have more money so you should be able to develop a better sense of your style and what you want your space to look like. You can also afford superior and

Umar Mwesige, an interior designer and proprietor of Maykop Interior designers, says that after turning 30, one should focus on essentials that create a comfortable, functional and aesthetically pleasing home.

Mwesige says, “It is a good idea to reevaluate what items are essential and what you can do without. This helps you create a more intentional and harmonious living space that better reflects your priorities and values as a matured person. For instance, those basic pieces you acquired in your 20s might not pass the test. So whether it is a bed, sideboard, coffee table or couch, now is the right time to get rid of any entry-level items in favour of higher-quality versions,” he advises.

Nevertheless, after turning 30, some of the things you should not have in your home include the following.

Kitchen tools

After After turning 30, you will find yourself gravitating towards more efficient and versatile kitchen tools. Simplifying your home by getting rid of gadgets and appliances that you rarely use or that duplicate functionality and keeping only what you need and use regularly is key.

Items you should consider donating or de-cluttering from your kitchen include single use and non-functioning gadgets (such as manual egg beaters), dull knives, traditional cupboards, mismatched plastic cups and food containers. Other items that tend to harbour bacteria such as old, stained and torn towels, sponges and worn-out cutting boards should be replaced often.

Mwesige recommends prioritizing efficiency and quality when choosing kitchen items.

“Go for high-quality cookware, utensils and appliances that make meal preparation enjoyable and efficient, such as chef knifes, non-stick pans, food processors, pressure cookers, blenders, and absorbent towels that enable thorough cleaning,” he recommends.

Outdated technology

With the rise of use of technology that improves functionality, convenience and efficiency, homeowners are considering disposing of outdated electronics and gadgets that no longer serve their needs. They range from entertainment (DVD cassette players), lighting (incandescent light bulbs), security, and appliances.

They are now looking at incorporating smart appliances that offer advanced features like remote control and energy monitoring as these enhance convenience and efficiency.

They are also using improved and functional appliances/ models that are energy-efficient and offer modern features such as reliable refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and oven.

Similarly, global digitisation has led to the integration of smart home technology that has replaced the use of manual items. This helps streamline people’s daily routines while enhancing convenience, for instance, using smart thermostats, automatic lighting systems, security cameras, voice-activated assistants, and streaming services such as Netflix, or online subscriptions for entertainment.

Health and wellness

This encompasses a broad spectrum of practices, items and habits that contribute to physical, mental and emotional well-being. Keeping away items such as expired supplements, uncomfortable and old workout shoes/ attire, processed and unhealthy snacks in the fridge, inefficient water bottles and small/torn mattresses, serves benefits like reducing stress and supporting overall well-being.

Shafik Jjemba a gym instructor says, “While this is an age where people are mostly focusing on work and fulfilling their responsibilities, having functional health and wellness items that promote your physical and mental well-being activities and support workouts that you genuinely enjoy is key.”

These items include quality mattresses and bedding for better sleep, ergonomic office furniture for a comfortable workspace, home workout accessories (yoga mat, adjustable dumbbells), whole nutrient-dense foods, and so on.


After 30, is the time to replace furniture that is past its prime or no longer serves its purpose with pieces that better reflect your evolving tastes, lifestyle and needs while enhancing aesthetics. Although it is tempting to furnish your home with inexpensive furniture, cheaply made pieces often do not hold up well over time and need to be replaced frequently.

Therefore, doing away with old-torn sofas, metallic beds, worn and torn dining table and chairs, mismatched accent chairs, and old bookshelves with college books helps you create a more functional space.

Mwesige recommends investing in sturdy comfortable and quality pieces that will not only last for years but also enhance your living space. These can be furniture pieces made from durable materials such as solid wood, ergonomic chairs/ desks for remote workers, high-quality mattresses, stylish bed frames and comfortable sofas made of quality materials like leather.

Cheap or disposable items

At this point in life, you probably have probably discovered that cheaper is not always better. Therefore, get rid of all cheap, low-quality items such as disposable plates and cutlery, paper towels, cotton pads, faux flowers and seasonal décor. It is better to invest in durable, long-lasting alternatives made of glass, stainless steel, reusable cleaning cloths and mops that offer better value in the long run.

Additionally, when choosing electronics, upgrading electronics such as TVs, sound systems and computers to models with advanced features and superior performance ultimately helps you save while getting the most out of your purchases.


Consider this decade the time to choose a personal style. This when to indulge you passion for art, collectibles and colour. Mwesige suggests choosing a style that expresses who you are, which can be achieved with the use of different colours and textures, lighting and accessories.

“Regularly assess your décor and be willing to let go of pieces that do not resonate with you, thus make room for new additions that better reflect your personality and taste,” Mwesige says.

This is also the time many people start thinking about starting a family. This is therefore, the time to put into considerations needs of more than just yourself.

Consider family-friendly decor that will support both your needs and the children’s. Set designated areas for playtime, family time, dining time, ‘you’ time, and entertainment. Setting these boundaries will also help to manage clutter and chaos…..CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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