In our current society, young people usually marry older people due to financial gains, but how would you explain an age gap of 51 years and a 17-year marriage to a very poor man? Could this be real love?....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Ephrem, who is 85 years old, and Theodore, 34 years old, are a couple from Tanzania. They have been blessed with four kids, the first born being 17 and the last born being 10 years old. They share their story with Afrimax English.

Theodore says that she met her husband through a mutual friend. The friend mentioned that he knew of a man who was looking for someone to marry, and she said she would love to meet him. After an introduction, Ephrem, who is the husband, asked for a hand in marriage from Theodore, who told him to give her some time to think about it.

Ephrem says that he had married thrice before marrying Theodore, and all those marriages had failed. He says the first and third wife could not sire children, and after many attempts, she left him on her own will. The second wife was doing weird things at night, like waking up in the middle of the night and running around every now and then, which was later established to be a mental problem.

Ephrem says that when he first saw Theodore, suddenly the urge and the yearning of parenthood hit him, and he could not resist, and that’s why he asked her for a hand in marriage.

Ephrem says that they began living together before they were legally married. He says that when Theodore came to his home, she was pregnant, and this did not change his mind at all. He was ready to take full responsibility for a baby that wasn’t his. After the legal marriage, the couple was blessed with four children. This led to a lot of criticism from neighbors and even family, but this did not shake their union or even their love for one another.

Ephrem says that him being called a father was a dream come true, and on top of that, it solidified the family unit since in his family, a person is not deemed worthy of inheritance if they don’t have offspring.

The couple says that they work hard together every day to pay their bills and educate their children. Although the husband is not able to work for long hours due to old age, he gives his best in supporting his family.

Theodore says that despite their age difference, she has the happiest marriage even compared to her friends who chose younger people. She says that at first they would criticize her, but now they come to her for advice…CONTINUE READING>>

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