Favor has narrated how her husband she met in a church started beating her while she was sick two months after she got married to him.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to her is that she had came from Dubai and was really praying God to give her a husband, She starter going in a certain church were she met a young man and they fell in love.

She says that the first time that she visited him he didn’t have anything in the house except from a mattress that he was laying down, After she got pregnant she moved in with him and they started living together as husband and wife.

She says that she had some money and she bought some few things in the house, she says that two months in the marriage her husband came home drunk and after she asked him why he was doing that he said that he wanted to have a talk with her while drunk.

Favor says that she seeing the red flags but she ignored, when she was three months pregnant she was given a bed rest since she couldn’t do anything for herself because she of the pregnancy.

One day when she was sick her husband came home drunk and forced himself on her and this made her to hate him since she was in pain and he did that to her without minding how she was feeling.

Favor says that she packed her belongings and went back home and her mother welcomed her home and natured her pregnancy untill she gave birth to a baby girl. She says mother has been very supportive and she thank God for her…CONTINUE READING>>

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