I met Junior when I was about to complete senior high school. I can confidently say that I was his world. He loved me to the ends of the earth....𝐑̲𝐄̲𝐀̲𝐃̲ 𝐅̲𝐔̲𝐋̲𝐋̲ 𝐀̲𝐑̲𝐓̲𝚰̲𝐂̲𝐋̲𝐄̲ 𝐅̲𝐑̲𝐎̲𝐌̲ 𝐓̲𝐇̲𝐄̲ 𝐒̲𝐎̲𝐔̲𝐑̲𝐂̲𝐄̲

There was nothing he wouldn’t have done for me. This guy would wash my school uniform, hang it at a place where it would dry early, and then iron it for me. If I didn’t need to wear it immediately, he would fold it gently and put it in his wardrobe.

He made it his life’s purpose to ensure I was well taken care of. He provided me with food when I was hungry. That aside, he gave me money when I needed it.

He also added me to a group of people who had discussions on past WASSCE questions. He was just eager to do anything to make me happy.

A few weeks along the line, I met Kay. Kay said he loved me. I didn’t tell him about Junior. I just said, “I am not ready for a relationship.” He told me, “If you accept my proposal, I will buy you a phone.” They say everybody has a price. For a nineteen-year-old who desperately wanted a mobile phone, Kay dialed my number.

By dangling the mobile phone in front of me, I convinced myself he was a better man than Junior. I broke up with Junior and started going out with Kay. He bought me the phone as promised. It wasn’t even a good phone. It must not have cost more than GHC100, but at that time it made me so happy that I dumped Junior for him.

Junior was not one to let go easily. He called me incessantly trying to talk me out of my decision to leave him. I ignored his calls until I finished writing my WASSCE. Even then I still ignored him and focused on my relationship with Kay. Things were good between us.

And just like Junior, Kay too was good to me. He also gave me money and took very good care of me. He held me like an egg. He had a way of making me feel like a treasure that should not be toyed with. He made me happy.

One night, my boyfriend asked me, “Who is Junior? Is he someone you know?” I couldn’t bring myself to answer him truthfully. So I shook my head and said I didn’t know any Junior.

He then added, “This Junior person said you are his girlfriend. He said if I don’t leave you, he will do everything in his power to frustrate me. Are you sure you don’t know him?” I insisted I didn’t.

Kay did not want to leave things to chance so he reported my ex to the police for threatening him. Junior was locked up and I was called to tell my side of the story. At the police station too I lied.

I said I had no knowledge of the situation. I pretended as if I had never set sights on Junior before. It made him look like a crazy person who was just making things up. That did not help his case at all.

Upon all this, Junior didn’t leave. He went to my mum and begged her to talk to me. All my siblings fell in love with him. They asked me to give him another chance.

All our friends who knew him were on his side. “Whatever the problem is, fix it. Junior is a good guy. He loves you to death. You won’t find this kind of love anywhere again.” They all said their piece but my mind was made up.

He tried everything possible but I didn’t budge, so eventually he backed off. Along the line Kay dumped me. He got back together with his ex-girlfriend and later married a different woman. I also moved on and got married to another man.

I didn’t know if Junior found love and moved on. I never heard news that he got married. This haunted me. Once in a while, he would cross my mind and I would feel guilty. He was good to me but I treated him badly.

Several times, I felt I should look for his contact and apologize for the wrong I did him. However, I was scared I would only remind him of the pain I caused him. I just wanted him to know that I was nineteen and didn’t know better. If only I had the courage, I would have made amends when I got the chance.

Call Your Ex And Ask Why It Didn’t Work Out Between You Two

Recently, I received a message from Kay. It did not bear good news. Rather, he announced that Junior died in his room. I acted calmly as though I was not moved but I was in pain.

I don’t even know why I’m sharing this. I hope wherever Junior is, he forgives me for breaking his heart as though there was nothing wrong with it. Junior, I’m sorry you had to sleep in prison. If I had told the truth, it could have been prevented. Maybe I can have some peace knowing I shared this…CONTINUE READING>>

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