Curses need to be traced from their root of origin, you need study the history of the environment, history of those who lived before you and history of your own past.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Curses could come from external sources or internal sources. Examples of external forces are.

1. Leaders of the environment have the ability to strike lethal deals with spirits, which can have a negative impact on their subjects.

2. Perhaps a member of your own family has offended someone, and as a result, that person has ended up committing suicide or perhaps being slain by a member of your family, and now the innocent blood cries out against everyone who is bloodily connected to the offender.

Internal curse

1. It’s possible that you upset your mother or father and that they died before you had the opportunity to apologize.

2. It’s bad enough when your relationship with your girlfriend or wife doesn’t work out, but it’s even worse when a child is born and you refuse to accept responsibility for it.

You do not need to pray for any of these curses, but if they are relationship-related (whether with your abandoned child, wife or parents or offense to individuals outside your family circle), you will need to apologize and make peace between yourself and your partner. In this situation, prayer will not be of assistance.

When one of your family members plants the curse of dirvoce, school failure and drop outs, alcohol addiction, and children becoming pregnant unnecessarily, you just need to plant a different seed to restore your family’s chances of a stable marriage or educational opportunities for your children. A separate seed causes you to begin a new cycle or a new generation of plants that will follow you after you.

Try not to listen to the spirit that has brought other people’s marriages to an end, that has caused girls to play with men, and that has caused your people to use excessive amounts of alcohol; you simply need to take a different road. If you live your life in the manner of your father, your uncle, your aunt, or your grandparents, that path will never be forgotten, and it will follow you and your descendants for generations.

My aunt is not married, and my father divorced my mother and then reconciled with her after 15 years. I was two years old at the time this occurred. As a result of a disagreement with my wife when my son was two years old, I was forced to leave the house for three whole weeks.

During a time when I was alone in my room, I remembered the Lord saying to me some years ago, “Be careful not to follow in your father’s footsteps.” I then realized that my father abandoned me and my mother when I was almost the same age as my son. I returned home and worked to repair the relationship with my family.

As a child, I witnessed my father bite my mother, and it was at that point that I determined that I would not raise a finger against her. I chose to follow a different path for the sake of my generation. Some curses do not require prayer; instead, you should avoid doing what you should not and do what you should…CONTINUE READING>>

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