DP Gachagua explained why he apologized to retired President Uhuru Kenyatta as fallout in UDA takes new turn.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has confessed how he was misled to attack retired President Uhuru Kenyatta, noting that he has since realized that it was wrong to do so and has offered an apology to the retired President and his family.

Speaking in Limuru on Friday, May 31, Gachagua noted that he, alongside most leaders from the region shouted down the former President, publicly attacking him and his family which looking back, was wrong and will never happen again.

“We were misled, we attacked and shouted down President Uhuru. I requested forgiveness, did you forgive me? Never again will we attack our leader. Do not stab your brother in the back.

“That is why I personally went live on TV and Radio to seek forgiveness from our son Uhuru Kenyatta for attacking him during the campaigns. We acknowledge our mistake. The bad thing would be to repeat the mistake,”Gachagua stated without naming those who misled him.

According to the DP who cautioned young leaders from the region against being misled, dark forces are working behind the scenes to cause further divisions in the region.

Without mentioning names of leaders behind the plot to cause disunity in the vote-rich region, Gachagua noted that his public apology to the retired President was timely as it worked against the plot to divide leaders from the region.

Gachagua and his allies are on record singling out particular leaders close to President William Ruto who they accuse of driving a wedge between the DP and his boss.

Recently the DP warned Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi to stay away from Mt Kenya politics and his remarks did not go down well with the MP who fired back almost immediately.

“You cannot control where I go. If we all stayed in our respective constituencies then we would not be in government. We had to fly all over the country to ask Kenyans to elect this government.

“I am not someone you can threaten. I have been threatened enough and this does not move me,”Sudi responded.

The quest to unite the mountain and drive its development agenda comes at a time when an increasing number of leaders have accused President William Ruto and his administration of neglecting a region that overwhelmingly voted in support of the current regime…..CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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