ome of the best foods to increase the glutes are eggs, fish, chicken, protein shake, oatmeal, spinach, avocado, olive oil, nuts, broccoli and other foods, which I will tell you about next....CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In addition to following a proper diet to gain gluteal muscle mass, it is recommended to exercise and live an active lifestyle. According to Healthline experts, here are the top 15 natural foods for butt gains.

1 – Eggs

Did you know that eggs are not only a great source of nutrients for your body, but also a product that can help you have a firmer tail?

Eggs are a good source of protein, and protein helps in building muscle mass.

This product is ideal to consume before a workout because you can nourish your muscles while they are stimulated and thereby provide them with the amino acids they need for growth and tone.

It makes no difference what time of day you eat eggs, but it is essential that you combine their intake with proper localised exercise.


Fish are a great source of protein, but they have an advantage that other meats don’t have. Their muscle fibres break down very easily in the stomach.

It has probably happened that you eat fish and immediately feel hungry. This happens because fish muscle fibers are easily digested. That’s why it’s always recommended to eat it in the oven, grilled and with a good source of complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes or yams.

In this way, we ensure that protein is a source of amino acids for building muscle mass, not a source of energy.

In addition, fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known as ‘good fats’. Good fats help prevent cholesterol buildup in the arteries and the formation of plaques, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

3- Chicken

Chicken is another great source of protein that can help you increase your gluteal muscles. Also, chicken has less fat compared to other meats such as beef.

If you choose breast, it’s even better as it contains less fat and there’s little risk of hormones or antibiotics, which are often injected into chickens during indoor rearing.

Chicken also contains other nutrients necessary for tail muscle growth, such as niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid and thiamine.

Chicken also contains minerals such as selenium, phosphorus, zinc and iron.

4. Protein shakes

Protein shakes are a great option for increasing muscle mass in the lower body. However, they won’t produce results on their own, but you will need to consume them at the right time, i.e. after your workout.

Choose supplements with proteins that enter the bloodstream quickly so that your muscles can recover in the shortest possible time. Remember that good nutrition is 80% of your results.

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The best protein is whey protein, as it contains essential amino acids and some that are particularly important for muscle growth. Read the labels well and buy one with no unnecessary fillers.

Another advantage of protein shakes is that they help maintain stable blood sugar levels. This is good because it helps maintain energy levels and prevents the insulin hormone, which promotes fat storage, from rising.

To add a twist to your smoothie, add leafy greens which contain chlorophyll, fibre and phytochemicals. All these compounds help maintain satiety, burn fat and oxygenate the blood.

5 – Oats

Oats contain complex carbohydrates that give you energy without raising your insulin levels. It also contains a limited amount of fat, which helps lower cholesterol and slows down the absorption of sugars.

Oatmeal is ideal to eat in the first half of the day. It is a very healthy food, replacing processed flour products and providing the necessary nutrients for gluteal enlargement.

6- White bread

It contains about 70 per cent whole grains. Despite different opinions and its high glycaemic index, white bread is suitable when you need to increase your tail muscles.

The key is to consume it before a workout, if you work out for more than an hour or so, together with a good source of complete protein (dairy products, eggs, cheese, meat, protein powder).

7- Spinach

This is a very low-calorie vegetable, so if you need to gain weight, you should eat it with a good source of carbohydrates to make the most of its properties.

Spinach contains iron, calcium, folic acid and other vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are important for muscle growth.

Spinach is ideal for every meal, including breakfast or snacks, as it can be added to smoothies or consumed as part of salads.

To get the most out of spinach’s nutrients, it’s recommended to add vitamin C sources such as strawberries, citrus fruits and peppers to your meals.

8 – Avocados

Avocados are a great option, but not after a workout. Many people don’t know this. This fruit is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are healthy, but it is not recommended to eat avocados after a workout, as a low-calorie meal is required at this time.

In any case, avocados are a great food in the early hours of the day and as part of salads. It is an ideal replacement for other types of unhealthy fats such as butter or cream.

Avocado fats are neutral fats that do not oxidise. They are therefore ideal for people who exercise a lot. Avocados contain vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6 – all metabolically essential nutrients that will help you increase your tail muscle mass.

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As well as being rich in various vitamins, avocados are also rich in other micronutrients such as folic acid and copper. Potassium and plant fibre are also found in avocados. Avocados also help reduce triglycerides and provide 18 essential amino acids.

9 – Olive oil

Olive oil is very healthy because of its properties. It is a high smoke point oil, which means that it does not break down at traditional cooking temperatures and can be used for a variety of dishes. You can even use it for baking sweet dishes.

On the other hand, it contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the oxidation of free radicals that damage cells.

Olive oil is a powerful product to replace the harmful fats found in processed foods and will help improve the absorption of nutrients such as lycopene or beta-carotene. Add this oil if you want to increase your tail muscle mass, especially in salads or cooked vegetables.

Its benefits are similar to those of avocados, as it contains the same type of fats as well as other nutrients.

10- Walnuts

Walnuts are almost a functional food, meaning their properties go beyond a simple contribution of nutrients and calories. They contain excellent quality proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fats in appropriate proportions. They are an excellent source of micronutrients and fibre.

The main thing in this case is to consume them as a snack. It should be remembered that these are very caloric foods. Therefore, it is not recommended that the consumption portion should exceed one ounce or 30 grams.

Nuts do not raise blood insulin levels and help lower cholesterol, regulate the bowels, prevent cardiovascular disease, modulate blood pressure, and reduce inflammation after exercise. So consume them with fruit or yoghurt in the post-workout period.

11- Red meat

Red meat has been demonised a bit recently. However, it is one of the best sources of protein and iron. The iron it contains is the best digested and absolutely essential for your body to build muscle mass. It is also essential for preventing fatigue.

The secret to eating meat is to choose the leanest cuts, i.e. those that are in the back. Another secret is to choose cuts from grass-fed cows, as the nutritional quality of the meat differs significantly from traditional beef from feedlots.

Beef has a high satiety value and is more difficult to break down than other types of protein. So avoid eating it with complex carbohydrates and opt for vegetables that have more fibre and few carbohydrates.

12 – Broccoli

Broccoli is a great pre- and post-workout food to eat if you want to strengthen your glutes. Not only does it contain water, fibre and nutrients, but it also contains sulphuric substances that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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This is very important, especially after a localised workout, as it helps reduce inflammation in the muscles and promotes recovery. Broccoli also contains potassium, as well as vitamins A, C and B6.

You can eat it steamed, sautéed or boiled, but avoid overcooking it as it contributes to nutrient loss.

13 – Brown rice

Brown rice is a good source of fibre and carbohydrates for the body. It is useful as fuel to maintain muscle mass during exercise.

It is best to choose the brown and wild variety. They will help you maintain your energy levels, helping you burn fat and develop muscle mass at the gluteal level.

Brown rice aids digestion and is an excellent source of zinc, which helps maintain a healthy immune system. It is gluten-free and reduces the risk of heart disease.

14. Quinoa

Quinoa contains a good amount of protein along with nine essential amino acids. Unlike rice, it has a higher protein content and is considered a pseudograin cereal.

It helps prevent colon cancer and contains iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. It also contains folic acid as well as another range of B vitamins.

This is very important as the B vitamin complex is closely linked to energy metabolism, and these vitamins are essential for proper fat burning and muscle gain.

15-Tamarind or date

This fruit contains tartaric acid, which helps fight cancer. Due to its fibre content, it is also an excellent remedy for constipation.

Although it contains 20-30% natural sugar, it’s a great fruit to take after a workout. It can be added to smoothies as it promotes glucose and amino acids to muscle cells and allows them to recover. Thus, it promotes gluteal growth.

Apart from including these foods in your diet, if you want to increase your glutes naturally, remember the following tips:

Focus on a diet high in protein. Have one source in each meal.

Do high-intensity workouts and work the gluteal muscles.

Consume an adequate amount of water. At least include about 2 litres a day and remember that liquid is not the same as water. You should consume pure water to facilitate the organic functions associated with fat burning and muscle building.

Adjust your meal times. Avoid eating simple carbohydrates in the evening. This promotes fat gain in the thigh area.

It is common to gain some weight, but try to reduce your fat intake if you need to build muscle mass.

Include cardio training in addition to local training.

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