Both domestic and foreign media have published numerous pieces about Ruth Kamande, the former Miss Lang’ata Women’s Prison. Most people believe that this crime was committed with great passion.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Amnesty International has condemned the death sentence that was handed to a beauty queen who murdered her boyfriend by stabbing him 25 times. Ruth Kamande – who won a jail beauty pageant while awaiting trial – repeatedly plunged a kitchen knife into Farid Mohammed during the attack at his home in Nairobi, Kenya.

Kamande had pleaded for a more lenient sentence, telling the court she had changed by becoming a prayerful Muslim and even enrolled for an IT degree at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

A probation report also showed she was a first offender and a well-behaved inmate.

Kamande killed her partner by stabbing him 25 times in the same year received the death punishment, which Amnesty International condemned.During the attack at his Nairobi, Kenya, home, Ruth Kamande repeatedly stabbed Farid Mohammed with a kitchen knife. During her incarceration, Kamande took first place in a beauty contest.

The evidence at the scene had been tampered with, Kamande said in her appeal, once members of the public were allowed entry into the deceased’s home shortly after the incident.

Here are a few of her breathtaking pictures

The appellate judges, however, ruled that Kamande had not offered enough proof to back up the allegations of evidence tampering or how those allegations affected the information the police were able to gather….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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