President William Ruto is set to jet out of the country for yet another international trip today, Sunday, May 2.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The Head of State will depart for South Korea on the night of Sunday, May 2, for an official visit that will also see him attend the Korea-Africa Summit.

Lifting the lid on his engagements in Korea, the President explained during an interdenominational church service in Kimilili, Bungoma, that he will witness the signing of several significant deals.

“Today I will be jetting to Korean for three issues. When I was there last year there are some things that we agreed and so I am going to bring that money,”the President explained.

Infrastructure development and investment in the creative economy will also form part of the President’s agenda.

“These include a Sh40 billion agreement focused on the creative economy and a Sh25 billion worth of equipment for construction of dams for irrigation.”Added the President.

He will also be keen on bagging deals in the agricultural sector.

“Nilikuwa lazima niexplain ndiyo msiseme huyu mtu tulikuwa na mkataba na anakaa. So mniruhusu niende kwa sababu ya Wakenya wengine,”he said.

The visit that is the second to South Korea in a span of about six months aims to finalize and sign various agreements that were initiated during his November tour.

The President and his delegation will also engage in talks aimed at strengthening bilateral ties between Kenya and South Korea.

His delegation will also market the country as the preferred investment destination in the continent.

Cooperation in especially in ICT, education, pharmaceutical and infrastructure are among the areas that the two countries seek to build on….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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