Cracked heels are a common foot problem caused by several factors. One primary cause is dry skin, often exacerbated by factors like cold weather, dehydration, or excessive standing.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Lack of moisture leads to the skin around the heels becoming dry, thick, and rigid, eventually cracking under pressure.

Additionally, certain medical conditions like diabetes, eczema, or thyroid disorders can contribute to cracked heels by affecting skin health and moisture levels.

Moreover, wearing open-back shoes or sandals can increase the likelihood of heel fissures due to increased pressure and friction on the heels.

To help heal cracked heels, moisturization is key. Regularly apply a thick moisturizer or foot cream containing ingredients like urea or glycerin to soften and hydrate the skin.

Soaking the feet in warm water for about 10-15 minutes can also help soften the skin before gently exfoliating with a pumice stone or foot file to remove dead skin.

Additionally, wearing cushioned footwear and using heel cups or silicone heel sleeves can reduce pressure and friction on the heels, aiding in the healing process. For severe cases or underlying medical conditions, consulting a podiatrist or dermatologist for professional treatment and advice is recommended…..CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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