President William Ruto is back on sunroofs as he begins his tour of the Western region ahead of the anticipated Madaraka Day celebrations to be held inMasinde Muliro stadium, Kanduyi in Bungoma County.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Ruto’s visit to the region has presented a bag of goodies for the residents from the revival of the Nzoia Sugar company to the connection of the Phase 4 Last Mile electricity connection project.

More particularly, the Head of State assured residents that his administration is committed to solving the problems facing Nzoia Sugar Factory.

In early 2024, the Kenya Kwanza government said it had paid Ksh 50 billion to write off debts that were muzzling the growth of the factory.

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula said there was asupplementary budget that would include Ksh300 million to settle the outstanding pay to the employees.

“Just give me time. We are reforming the Nzoia Sugar factory. I have also directed that sugarcane farmers benefit from bonuses at the end of the year, just like their coffee counterparts among others,” Ruto told Bungoma residents amid cheers.

Speaking during the commissioning of Kapkara Dam in Sirisia Constituency on Friday, Ruto said the construction of dams remains key to the provision of water for domestic and irrigation purposes.

He encouraged farmers to diversify their farming to ensure they reap large from the many dams the government will construct in the region. The Head of State said all homesteads will be connected to water.

“Dams hold the immense potential to transform the lives of Kenyans through irrigation. We have allocated Ksh300 million for the connection of pipes from the dam to all homesteads in Sirisia and Bungoma at large,” the President said.

Additionally, Ruto asked Kenyans to register afresh for the universal healthcare program beginning July 1, 2024.

The new registration will ensure that no Kenyan is left out from accessing benefits to be rolled out under the retooled public healthcare system anchored on the Universal Healthcare care pillar.

“We want to make sure that Kenyans who seek healthcare are registered and able to access medical care. But we will only help those who will have registered to benefit from the universal healthcare beginning July,” said President Ruto.

He noted that those who have been paying Ksh500 will pay Ksh300 from July and his administration will cater for the bills of those unable to raise the money.

A statement from State House explained that Kenyans already enrolled in the National Health Insurance Fund(NHIF) will register afresh to access benefits under the new universal healthcare programme.

The President said Bungoma will benefit from a Ksh27 billion that he recently signed for the connection of electricity across the country.

Other development projects include; the construction of 8 markets to spur economic development, and the construction of ICT hubs in every ward to create job opportunities and enable education in the region…..CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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