Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja is among 22 governors who might be dismissed if elections were held today, according to a survey by Research 8020.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Sakaja’s leadership has encountered several challenges, including reports of him funding individuals to disrupt peaceful protests.

In response to the allegations, Sakaja stated that he could not have been involved, as he was in Mombasa on a weeklong retreat with his Cabinet to plan for the next financial year.

The county leader’s management was also criticized during heavy rainfall that caused significant damage and loss of life. Recently, on Saturday, August 3, Sakaja encountered hostility during his visit to Toi Market in Kibera after a dawn fire incident.

A video shared online showed the county leader surrounded by his aides as projectiles were thrown rapidly and continuously toward them.

Other than Nairobi county, other counties that would have had a higher probability of firing their governors include Laikipia, Nyamira, Garissa, Baringo, Nairobi, Nandi, Lamu, Meru, Meru,

Kakamega, Kajiado Bomet and Isiolo according to the survey Other counties that would send their governors packing are; Samburu, Kilifi, Uasin Gishu, Bungoma, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Vihiga, Kericho, Tana River and West Pokot.

“If an election was to be held today, governors in 22 counties would likely be defeated, Laikipia governor Joshua Irungu, Nyamira governor Amos Nyaribo, Garissa governor Nathif Jama and Baringo county governor Benjamin Cheboi, “the statement read in part.

The survey stated that 63% of their respondents from Nairobi county would have voted out Sakaja in elections. In a separate incident, Sakaja lauded the younger generation, especially Gen Zs and millennials, for their forward-thinking approach to national reforms and their commitment to a tribeless identity.

The county chief expressed his increasing admiration for these young Kenyans, who persistently advocate for their rights and push for change.

The county chief voiced his growing admiration for young Kenyans who continually advocate for their rights and strive for change…CONTINUE READING>>

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