There’s no longer a stigma attached to stress; it’s just part of life. However, stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health. It’s easy to dismiss stress as a minor issue. ‘It’s just stress,’ we say. But did you know the symptoms can show on your face too?...CONTINUE READING

Dryness, wrinkles, and acne are just a few ways it shows up. Read ahead to know how stress can affect your face.

1. Acne: You produce more cortisol when you’re stressed. The hypothalamus produces CRH (corticotrophin-releasing hormone) in response to cortisol. CRH stimulates the oil production of sebaceous glands around the hair follicles. And this oil production by these glands can clog pores and cause acne.

2. Under-eye bags: The appearance of bags under the eyes is characterized by swelling or puffiness under the eyelids. With age, they become more common as the muscles supporting the eyes weaken. In addition, as a result of sleep deprivation (a common symptom of stress), fine lines, reduced elasticity, and uneven pigmentation are caused by stress.

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3. Wrinkles: Stress causes the proteins in your skin to change and reduces their elasticity. Loss of elasticity can result in the appearance of wrinkles.

4. Rashes: Stress can weaken your immune system. A weakened immune system can result in dysbiosis, an imbalance of bacteria in your gut and skin. Whenever this imbalance occurs on your skin, it can cause redness or a rash.

5. Dry skin: In the outer layer of your skin, some proteins and lipids play a critical role in keeping your skin cells hydrated. They also serve as a barrier to protect the skin underneath. If the outer layer is not functioning correctly (as a result of stress), your skin becomes dry and itchy.

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6. Face flushing: Your breathing habits may change as a result of stress. These changes may cause your face to flush temporarily.

7. Sore lips: Stress often leads to chewing on the inside of the mouth or the lips, resulting in sore lips.

8. Greying hair and hair loss: It is a known fact that stress can make your hair go grey. Only recently have scientists discovered the reason for this. The pigment melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes and is responsible for giving your hair its colour. Stress can disrupt this production and also your hair’s growth cycle, causing a condition called telogen effluvium, which causes an excessive amount of hair to fall out.
Tips To Manage Stress

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Laugh it off because laughter releases endorphins that improve mood and decrease levels of the stress-causing hormones cortisol and adrenaline.
Try aromatherapy by lighting some scented candles.
Sip on some warm water.
Spend time with your four-legged (fur) babies.
Try massage therapy.
Reduce caffeine intake.
Write your emotions and feelings down.
Chew gum.
Spend time with your loved ones.
Cuddling, kissing and hugging are quick stress relievers; studies say so.
Try deep breathing.

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