Sexuality is surrounded by taboos that are reaffirmed in the social imaginary, generating inhibitions in the sexual act. Penis size, ejaculation times and erectile dysfunction are some of the central issues.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

When we learn about sex and sexuality as we grow up, it’s very likely that both men and women have heard various myths about sexuality.

In the case of men, the requirement to always be ready for sex and the causes of erectile dysfunction are some of the most common myths about male sexuality. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of these myths and debunk them.

What are myths about sexuality?

Biological sex, gender, and sexuality are topics surrounded by taboos. It’s common for information and myths to be confused. This is a central issue in the growth and identity formation of people, so the influence of these false beliefs can be very harmful.

It’s necessary to clarify, in general terms, that biological sex is associated with the body, reproductive organs, and chromosomes assigned at birth. On the other hand, binary gender – i.e., the identity of male and female – is a social construct that places expectations on people as to how they should behave.

This is where many myths about sexuality come into play, forming stereotypes that, in the case of men, are linked to strength and courage. For example, male who is not always up for sex is a “bad man,” while a barely below-average penis is insufficient. Let’s take a closer look.

You shouldn’t believe these 7 myths about male sexuality

While there are psychological or physical issues that a sexologist should address and try to resolve, other issues that are commonly faced when it comes to male sexuality are part of cultural constructs. Myths can exert pressure and inhibit the enjoyment of our sexuality. Therefore, it’s a good idea to be familiar with them and become aware of them so you don’t believe them.

1. Erectile dysfunction only occurs in older people

This issue, often linked to those over 50, may also respond to psychological factors. In fact, they are the main reason why young men experience erectile dysfunction.

Anxiety and pressure when having sex, a lack of emotional connection, and alcohol consumption are common reasons for erectile dysfunction in people under 30.

2. An erection always responds to arousal

Another widely held false belief is that erections are only linked to sexual arousal. However, there are neurovascular processes that generate stimuli and reflexes that cause erections. One of the most common occurs upon arousal. Nevertheless, it’s not the only cause.

3. Size matters

Perhaps the most popular myth about male sexuality is the size of the penis. The requirement of a certain size produces complexes that have negative effects on self-esteem and sexual performance. However, both biologically and psychologically, sexual pleasure does not depend on the size of a man’s penis.

The most sensitive points of the vagina are located in the outer third – therefore, they do not require a great depth to be reached. In addition, generating a connection and understanding with the other person during the sexual act also plays a role in the sensation of pleasure.

Professionals affirm that the average size of the penis ranges between 14 and 16 centimeters while erect. In reality, a size larger than 20 centimeters is likely to cause discomfort rather than greater pleasure.

4. Men should always be willing to have sex

If a woman has sexual desire and a man does not, a common myth suggests that this is a problem. Absolute willingness is part of the male identity, linked with virility and strength. However, there are numerous reasons why a man may not feel any desire to have sex.

Some are simply a lack of interest, while others are due to psychological factors. Even certain medications can influence libido. What is certain is that there are no biological reasons that determine a greater desire in men with respect to women.

We think you may be interested in reading this, too: Sexual Self-Knowledge: Why is it So Important?

5. Masturbation causes infertility

Scientific evidence shows that masturbation has no negative physical or psychological effects. On the contrary, it’s a healthy practice of self-knowledge and satisfaction.

Yes, it is possible that masturbating before having sex can affect performance. This has to do with the refractory period, a waiting time that men have between ejaculations. However, in young people, it’s a short period, which varies according to general health and physical condition.

6. Ejaculation is the only instance of pleasure

It’s clear that ejaculation is one of the most pleasurable effects of sex. However, it doesn’t determine the quality of the total act of intercourse.

It’s possible to have a pleasurable sexual relationship without even reaching orgasm or ejaculation. On the other hand, virility is often linked to the amount of semen, when there is no relationship between sexual potency and the amount of semen. This is a myth widely spread by pornography.

7. Men don’t have a G-spot

The G-spot is usually associated with the vagina. However, in men, there’s also a similar area of hyperstimulation, and it’s located near the prostate gland.

It’s accessible only through the anus, which implies for many men to dispel the myth that links anal sex only with homosexuality. In reality, it’s something that can be explored no matter your sexual orientation.

It’s time to overthrow these myths about male sexuality

The false beliefs described above – along with many others that circulate in the collective imagination – have no scientific support.

Therefore, it’s important to debunk them and prevent them from being passed on to future generations. Information allows us to know ourselves better, enjoy a relationship to the fullest, and shape our identity without the influence of stereotypes and myths….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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